loading system issues

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loading system issues

Postby savvy » Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:05 am

Code: Select all
            CreateActor("block", "BLOCKS", "(none)", "(none)", px+80, (py-80)+(Y*40), true);

so why, when Y*16 is 0 does playerpos-30 NOT equal playerpos-30? this makes no sense!
i tried if(i>0)Y++;
i tried Y++;
i tried other things, anyone had this issue before?
lpos is the assignment of a block to an array (my nomcraft loading system)

the 0 value is wrong, but when Y is > 0 everything works perfectly... just 1 odd number.

thanks savvy
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Re: loading system issues

Postby skydereign » Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:37 am

You kind of jumped into your explanation, and seems like you skipped some things. I've not come across problems with the indexing of a for loop. Though, why are you using Y, if you just set it equal to i? Might as well replace Y for i (though that wouldn't fix your problem). From this though, I assume Y is a global variable? The only thing I can think of that would change Y when it is zero is if somewhere in the block's create actor event Y is changed (that or playerpos). Anyway, a little more detail might help.
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Re: loading system issues

Postby savvy » Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:45 pm

Y=i was my attempt at finding solutions to the problem, it wasnt originally that. it isnt global because its in a void command, heres the full code...
Code: Select all
int blocks[192][2];
int playerpos;
int px,py,lpos;

void load(char dir)
    int i,Y;
            CreateActor("block", "BLOCKS", "(none)", "(none)", px-80, (py-80)+(Y*40), true);
            CreateActor("block", "BLOCKS", "(none)", "(none)", px+80, (py-80)+(Y*40), true);
            CreateActor("block", "BLOCKS", "(none)", "(none)", (px-80)+(Y*40), py-80, true);
            CreateActor("block", "BLOCKS", "(none)", "(none)", (px-80)+(Y*40), py+80, true);

maybe yes, playerpos changing... ill try limiting it, its under a fraction of a millisecond so.. cant exactly see errors ^-^
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Re: loading system issues

Postby skydereign » Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:03 pm

Well just because it happens extremely quickly doesn't mean you can't see it. You can do a number of things to either store the value, or test the value. For example you can create two variables, and before the Y=i, you set the first one equal to i. And set the second one to display after the lpos line. Then just display those two variables. What I do is use a text file, and print out debug information into that. You can also change actors' color if a variable equal something, even exit the game. I can't really see anything wrong with this, but if it continues to happen, you can upload the ged so I can take a look.
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Re: loading system issues

Postby savvy » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:04 am

dont worry sky, i sorted it... thanks for trying anyway :P

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Re: loading system issues

Postby skydereign » Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:24 am

Well, for the sake of the topic, can you post what was going wrong, and how you fixed it? Not sure if there was an relevant/obvious fix or problem, but we should strive to have topics have answers. Otherwise topics like these aren't useful to anyone else reading them, and just make finding solutions harder.
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Re: loading system issues

Postby savvy » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:40 pm

i just removed what was going wrong, the 1st bit of the array.. when i/Y is 0... i put if(i>0) infront of the create actor, problem solved.
then with the missing corners, make the area NOT a square and it works fine!

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