Welcome to gE. This forum has a rule that you should ask questions in separate topics. So, makslane (the creator and admin) wants separate topics for each question. If of course your question is related to the question asked in the topic, then it is okay... but on several occasions he has said that we shouldn't do this kind of topic.
To answer your question, in the enemies create actor, you should create the health bar above the enemy, and parent it to the enemy.
enemy -> Create Actor -> Script Editor
- Code: Select all
CreateActor("hp", "hpAnim", "Event Actor", "(none)", 0, -height/2, false);
That way the health bar will follow the enemy around. For the actual hp bar, when you understand how to make one that second question should be self explanatory. You will need an actor hp variable, and if that is less than or equal to zero, then you destroy the enemy actor. Do you have any programming experience? Either way you should look here for a simple hp bar explanation.