a-life, well i dont know much and dont care for points but ill try. well if you want your life to follow you you could say something like(in draw actor script)
if(player.x>x+100) x=x+5; //what this will do is when your 100 squares away hell start moving toward you.
as for feeding, etc. you could set it up when you right-click( or left doesnt matter, could be a button press) it opensa menu for the life. this menu could be anywhere on the screen. this could be used to feed and command the life. as for training, well i would use variables such as lifestrength, hp or maxhp.
when you win a match you could have a feature for level ups or just have something like lifestrength=lifestrength+1; etc.
i hope that sortof helped. if not make a post of more specific things you want for the life