I am using Game maker over 3 years and I just used game editor.
I like some things but I just dislike others.
I 'll start with the bad stuff..
What I dislike:
-The orange menus interface,after I use ge for a while, my eyes hurt.
please make it color customizable.
-There are no stages,all the actors are placed on a single stage..
Make stages so to make things more practical.
-The price is just too high for the program at the state that it is right now.
(In that way game maker should be sold for 500$+!

Please lower the price to at least 50 $.
-The default graphic for the actors (yeah,that pacman thing..)
please change it to a sphere or something... it's just silly (..sorry

What I like:
-The different system porting
I am interested in making games for PC but I am now also interested for making games for pocket pc (with ge)
My Game Editor Wishlist:
-Add ability to create directories (folders)
-Add ability to save and load the game from whatever directory I want.
-Make a more easier way to save/load the game
-Make the "Continue game" and "Exit" messages that appear on pocket pc
-Make ability to read/write text and variable values to text files on whatever directory I want.
-Add an action to Minimize the Window.
-Add an option in Game Config to Disable the Windows Keys (Start Key L&R)while the game is running (Is just too annoying to press the key and popup the start menu while playing.)
-better ge help file.(including C language)
-Ability to play/stop/pause audio CD and check if cd exists.
-Ability to open a website in the default browser.
-Ability to switch resolution in-game.
I hope I helped you make a better game editor.