activation regions

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activation regions

Postby BlarghNRawr » Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:10 pm

how can i reset everything in an activation region while the view actor is still on it?
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Re: activation regions

Postby Thanx » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:21 am

Well I don't know how you could do it by strictly keeping it inside the region, but I do have an idea for how to do this in a way, that it looks like you've done it that way.

In the action at which you reset the game, (oh, ya, make 2 variables to store the current position of the view in) and do this:
variable1 = view.x;
variable2 = view.y;
view.x = a far distant place out of the region...;
view.y = a far distant place out of the region...;
//Now that makes the view go out of the region. Now to bring it back, and reload the region, make a timer, and create it
//on view. Make the timer something like 20 miliseconds long, so it will all happen so fast, the player may maximum see a
CreateTimer(view, .......);

That's it for that, except we need an action in the view for the timer: So in the timer event of the view do this:
view.x = variable1;
view.y = variable2;

That's it! Now that doesn't keep it in the region, but that all will happen so fast (~20miliseconds) that you can hardly tell you did anything! Hope that works! :wink: :D
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Re: activation regions

Postby BlarghNRawr » Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:28 am

could i do the same thing with a path that leaves the region then comes back...
to eliminate the variables?
(im not good with those :lol: )
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Re: activation regions

Postby Thanx » Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:50 am

Yes, that's perfectly fine too! ;) :D :mrgreen:
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Re: activation regions

Postby BlarghNRawr » Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:22 pm

cool it worked 4 my level reset...
i just had 2 change a few other things
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