Strange spinning characters in menus and script editor

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Strange spinning characters in menus and script editor

Postby Cleve Blakemore » Wed May 21, 2008 1:01 pm

Once in a while running Game Editor I get this crazy effect with random characters in menus and the script editor appearing in a single position, often seemingly cycling through the ascii table in real time as you watch.

So I am looking at the Script editor right now and a few letters in the text in arbitrary spots are cycling in real time in front of me.

I have never seen a glitch like this before in any other software. I usually exit and come back in to find it has stopped but it gets to be a real pain.
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Re: Strange spinning characters in menus and script editor

Postby pyrometal » Wed May 21, 2008 1:47 pm

I agree 100% with you, the script editor is full of really wierd glitches... The ones I found that keep happening over and over are:

1. When copying then pasting a line of code, if you try to write anything after it on the same line, it doesn't work! You need to press backspace a few times until the last character of that line finally decides to erase, then you can write one that line again.

2. Sometimes when copy pasting, a large block of code, the editor will only paste a fragment of it instead. (Example, I copy 10 lines, then paste it, but only the two first lines are actually pasted, the rest isn't)

3. Again copy pasting, sometimes after that action, the position indicator becomes different than the actual position where the program thinks I should be writing... Like, I click on a line, the cursor goes there, I start writing, and surprise! All the letters I just typed are on the line below and not where the cursor is!

So I guess my problems are mostly related to copy pasting stuff in from the editor into another location into the editor... I just wanted to share this and see if I'm not the only one encountering this problem. I don't remember seeing that character cycling glitch before though...
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Re: Strange spinning characters in menus and script editor

Postby zygoth » Sat May 24, 2008 1:43 pm

Sometimes when I hit // , like to put in a note to myself, game editor just shuts down. It doesn't ask me if i want to save, it just dies.
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Re: Strange spinning characters in menus and script editor

Postby stevenp » Sat May 24, 2008 2:07 pm

lol that JUST happened to me for the first tiem zygoth,

i was just about to come on the fourms and ask why, but i think i found the problem

on collision with cursor

strcpy(DESC_desc.text, "corpse explosion \n\n create corpses which detonates after 5 seconds \n releasing bone shards in every direction \n\n\n activation : 1 second \n recharge : 10 seconds \n damage : 1 per bone \n target : 1 ( per bone ) \n distance : full screen ( 360 degreese ) \n mana cost : 0 \n skull cost : 1 ");

all of this code is in 1 line, but when i put the // at the beginning, it crashes,

i went on the GE site and it sais that strcpy can only do 255 characters, so im asuming the crash is because of this

also how can i split up that huge block of text so that its not all on 1 line in scrip editor?
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Re: Strange spinning characters in menus and script editor

Postby Spidy » Sat May 24, 2008 2:21 pm

there are a lot of problem in GE!!
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