Here is a demo about how to make bombs, enemies that move and attack you, and how to make health (and display) for your player and enemy.
(anti-moonwalk for both on the side.)
The enemy even runs away from the bombs and explosions!
(He also runs back to the right of the map every time he throws a bomb.)
Here are the controls:
LEFT arrow = Move left.
RIGHT arrow = Move right.
UP arrow = Jump.
Space = Throw bomb.
A + SPACE BAR = Throw bomb with a quicker fuse.
S + SPACE BAR = Throw bomb higher higher into the air.
S + A + SPACE BAR = Throw bomb with a quick fuse higher into the air.
This demo is a partial request from Equinox
As for dealing with clones equinox, you can use getclone("actorname.1")->variable == so and so;