Vector object script interpreter!

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Vector object script interpreter!

Postby pyrometal » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:43 am

Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I posted anything so I wanted to show off some cool code! Basically what I've built in the last 2 days is basically a very small example of a custom programing language!

Well, actually, its an interpreted language, which means its only read and executed by the host program and not compiled in any way... This one reads small programs out of text files. It's very limited in its current abilities but it could easily be expanded to something better. This is just to show you the bare bones and strutures it takes to make this work. Mind you interpreted languages are very unsuitable for creating games since they are VERY inefficient in their computations. You could however still include one to allow users to load custom designs for their character in-game for example. I've included a small script demo in the zip file which demonstrates what I mean.

The engine was built to allow player's to create their own vector objects with the intent of making a game similar to asteroids, but I decided it was too boring in itself so I'm only posting the cool part of the project. I'll post another text file later with a much more elaborate script for you to test out!

Here are the GED and the demo script:
Vector object
No prerendered graphics!
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Re: Vector object script interpreter!

Postby pyrometal » Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:13 pm

You can replace the current test file with the following one to see a better example of the capabilities of such engines:
More thorough example
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Re: Vector object script interpreter!

Postby Bee-Ant » Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:19 pm

I'll be back bringing my comment :D
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Re: Vector object script interpreter!

Postby DarkParadox » Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:06 pm

very confusing, but cool!
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Re: Vector object script interpreter!

Postby pyrometal » Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:15 pm

Thanks! This also why it was posted in Advanced topics... lol
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Re: Vector object script interpreter!

Postby Bee-Ant » Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:21 pm

The velocity and the rotating effect is cool,but i think you need to draw it better :P also dont forget with the background and other object arround it...:D
The text loader is cool :D
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Re: Vector object script interpreter!

Postby pyrometal » Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:27 pm

I'm glad you like it Bee-Ant! I know my art sucks, sorry... I wish my art matched my programming skills... lol
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