Finished menu and game in 2 .geds need help

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Finished menu and game in 2 .geds need help

Postby Irondan75 » Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:39 pm

So I have 2 .ged's 1st is my menu (play game,info and exit) and 2nd is my game with game over screen.
On their own the work perfectly...I tried to merge and I get the menu to work great if I leave it in the View frame but cant play game only navigate my menu options.
If I move the View frame to my game screen it plays the game and goes to Game Over when the player dies....but theres no sound??
I used geplayer to load the menu file .dat to my ipod touch and it worked perfectly...but I need both in one .dat file to play the game as intended.

Im guessing I need to keep the View frame on my menu and somehow script when you press the play button to go to the game, but Im clueless :?
And I'm not sure what happened with the sound when combined??

Soooooooooo close.
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Re: Finished menu and game in 2 .geds need help

Postby skydereign » Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:30 am

Well, the sound problem might be because you have duplicate events. When you merge, actors that are the same will not mix events. gameEditor will take the actors from the game you merged from, and ignore the actors in the game you selected to merge. So you only get the view's events from one game which might have to do with some of your problems. After you merge, to get the view to jump between menu and game, just set the view's position with view.x and view.y. If that didn't help, or are still having problems, can you explain how you did the menu and game play?
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Re: Finished menu and game in 2 .geds need help

Postby Irondan75 » Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:54 pm

I fixed the sound issue..had changed the names of some data files to help categorize them but didn't update in actor control.
And I used Regions to separate my menu, game and game over screens while keeping view on my Menu and using your recommendation of view.x view.y to my gameplay.
Now I'm polishing up some visual effects...I'd like to add a fade in fade out of my "Game created by ironDan Games" when the app starts before it goes to the menu.

Thanks again Skydereign +1 :D
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