I want make a game like street of rage but before every thing I Need know how work multi hit ? mean hit Punches and kicks together.
lol I'm making a game like this too, good luck.
Behdadsoft wrote:lol I'm making a game like this too, good luck.
ok. I have question : how can use one key for several animation? mean if I press SPACE Key the first time run animation1, and if press SPACE Key Secondly run animation2 and so on.
switch (hit)
case 0:
ChangeAnimation("Axel", "Axel Right-LeftPunch", FORWARD);
case 1:
ChangeAnimation("Axel", "Axel Right-LeftPunch", FORWARD);
case 2:
ChangeAnimation("Axel", "Axel Right-RightPunch", FORWARD);
case 3:
ChangeAnimation("Axel", "Axel Right- Kick", FORWARD);
short int checksum;
checksum += 1;
if (checksum >= 3) checksum = 1;
if (checksum == 1) x += 5;
if (checksum == 2) x -= 5;
void after(const int seconds)
int ms; ms++;
if (ms / 25 == seconds) hit = 0; //Or what happens when the time is up
after(10); //10 stands for the seconds you wish
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