Alright guys this is important: Our rights as gamers, game makers, (basic to intermediate) programmers, and as Americans are being violated. The u.s. government (for who it applies to) is trying to make it illegal for minors (most of us) to buy any game that "[lacks] serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value" and it also says that the us government is going to rate games even further than the ESRB and make it REALLY hard for minors to buy (or download) any game(including the ones you guys make =(.
Apparently any game causing direct, indirect or any other type of harm virtual or otherwise to another living thing will be rated as" inappropriate for minors" and if someone from the u.s downloads a game you made that vaguely fits the description (thats how the u.s works) you will get hit with a $1000 fine regardless of where you are!!! they plan to set up a simple treaty that makes this law international!
So did i scare you?
if you want to help go here
here you can vote and stand up against those hater politicians and make them wet there pants =)
so please stand up
*feel free to move if necessary*