Multiple geds in one game?

Non-platform specific questions.

Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Wed May 18, 2011 12:20 pm

" so compile your levels as game-data only DAT files."
When you say compile them as .DAT files, how do I do that? I thought Game Editor did that for you when you exported as an executable. So if there is steps I need to take to do that before exporting please tell me. That sounds right to me, but heck I don't know sh*t! I am assuming that I would put the code you have given in the same place as the code I am using now? That would be on my text actor. Is this right?
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Wed May 18, 2011 1:19 pm

OK I need someone to break it down to me. I dont know to much about what I'm doing here. I see where it says I can export a ged as a dat file in the export menu. OK so where does that save the file to, and how do I get that into the executable? Seriously guys, I just need you to take me by the hand and walk me through each step of what I must do. Giving me code, and no explanation is really frustrating. I would like to learn this program and how to manage it, but so far I just get more confused.

I have two levels made. I also have two menus, one for each of those levels. Like I have a start menu, which I would like it to lead to level 1. Then on completion of level 1, I would like to load a splash screen, or menu, for level2. From that menu one could start the second level. I got the levels, and the menus made. The problem is that when I try to export the first menu (thinking falsly that it will somehow all work properly) none of the levels are there or work properly. Am I making any sense at all? I have gotten different advice here...none of it making much sense to me, and that's not your fault. I just don't know anything about what I'm doing, and obviously I'm not doing something right. Pleae don't assume that I know anything about what your talking about...I don't. So give it to me bit by bit, step by step if you can. I would like to learn, but not having any knowledge base to begin with makes the info I'm getting pretty useless. Sorry to complain in your ear, but I just want to learn what the heck I'm supposed to be doing here.

Think of me as a little baby just fresh in the world, and I don't even know my own name, much less how to get around in a game editing program. So if you will help me, please keep it in mind..I dont know a please explain IN DETAIL! Thanks, and I hope you understand. I have done so much searching, and reading, and it's like reading a foreign language. You guys must not assume that I know anything, because I don't. Sorry again for being a nag, I just want to learn.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Wed May 18, 2011 3:33 pm

Well I have tried saving the files as .dat files, and changed all the LoadGame commands to point to .dat files, and still doesnt work as an executable. Tried changing LoadGame commands to .exe ext, and still no go. So I don't know. I think this software is buggy as sh*t, or I'm not getting straight info on the subject. Like I said if anyone knows how to make a game using seperate geds as levels, and actually knows how to export them all as a single executable game, I'd like to hear about it. Until then I suppose it's a waste of time to persue it any farther....
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby Kodo » Wed May 18, 2011 3:58 pm

Just a quick thing noted in your comment above, you dont export the .dat files and the exe as a single executable file, they remain seperate.

So in your game folder you might have two or three files for your game, one (and only one) will be an exe, and additional files will contain your seperately exported levels as .dat files.

Then, from the Ged/project file that you export as your exe you could load a .dat file, then from the .dat file you could load either the .exe or another .dat file. To keep it simple make sure that all the files are in the same directory as well.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Wed May 18, 2011 4:21 pm

OK more confusing than ever...i suppose you guys get a kick out of throwing meaningless information around. The fact is, I wouldn't have a clue about what you mean. Yeah I got that I can make an exe file, but what good does it do me to know that, if I dont know how to as you say "load a .dat file", or "load another exe, or .dat file". Seriously man, I geuss I'm too stupid to do this.

I have all my files in the same directory. I have .dat versions, and ged versions of both levels I have made. Now if you or anybody else can give me real straight forward info, and not this criptic jargon I've been getting I would be grateful. Otherwise I really don't get it.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Wed May 18, 2011 4:33 pm

Just a quick thing noted in your comment above, you dont export the .dat files and the exe as a single executable file, they remain seperate.

Where, oh where did I say anything like that? What I said was I wanted to export the different geds I have made as a single executable file. Is that possible? I mean if I keep them seperate like you imply, how on earth can anyone ever play the game I making? It only makes sense to me that all the game files (ged, or .dat, or whatever) would have to be in the same executable for someone to be able to play it. Am I missing something here?

What I said was
Like I said if anyone knows how to make a game using seperate geds as levels, and actually knows how to export them all as a single executable game, I'd like to hear about it.
Substitute the word export with combine...does that make more sense as far as what I'm asking? Seriously, does anyone have the commuinication skills to help me with this problem? Just go back and read this post and tell me how a beginner could ever get a bit of useful info from this. I have gotten every kind of vague answer that I think one could give, but not one specific "how to" do it. Seriously.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Wed May 18, 2011 4:57 pm

The problem is simply this. See if you can keep up. My game is made up of four different geds. When I play the game in game mode, it works as it should. When I try to export the game using the first ged in the series, as the .exe, it doesnt work in the .exe that is created. It's as if the other three geds are not being compiled (if that's the right terminology) in the final .exe. Now I don't know how much more clear I can be about it. That is the problem. Now if anyone has a clear concise detailed way to achieve putting all my geds into a final executable product, please, I would be more than happy to learn what to do.
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Re: Multiple geds

Postby sonicfire » Wed May 18, 2011 6:55 pm

you cant combine all files into one exectuable.

when you design your game, open up GE and start a new project you can export THIS as one single executable which contains all data,sprites sounds and so on.
but if you´re going the "multiple projects / files"-route you HAVE to use different DAT files. (different EXE files would work also but would add to much file size overhead).

so compile your main game (level1) as the EXE file, e.g. "game.exe". then export your different levels as level1.dat,2,3,4 and so on.
in your main game you can switch levels using "loadgame("level1.dat")" for example. if you want to go back from a level to your main game, call "loadgame(game.exe").

hope that helps :)
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby rykein » Thu May 19, 2011 12:36 am

jcflysrc wrote:
Just a quick thing noted in your comment above, you dont export the .dat files and the exe as a single executable file, they remain seperate.

Where, oh where did I say anything like that? What I said was I wanted to export the different geds I have made as a single executable file. Is that possible? I mean if I keep them seperate like you imply, how on earth can anyone ever play the game I making? It only makes sense to me that all the game files (ged, or .dat, or whatever) would have to be in the same executable for someone to be able to play it. Am I missing something here?

What I said was
Like I said if anyone knows how to make a game using seperate geds as levels, and actually knows how to export them all as a single executable game, I'd like to hear about it.
Substitute the word export with combine...does that make more sense as far as what I'm asking? Seriously, does anyone have the commuinication skills to help me with this problem? Just go back and read this post and tell me how a beginner could ever get a bit of useful info from this. I have gotten every kind of vague answer that I think one could give, but not one specific "how to" do it. Seriously.

lighten up, yah? these guys are not paid to help us and even then that doesnt mean you shouldnt treat the with respect. they are doin there best to explain to you how it works and with the lack of understanding on your part. teaching isnt easy and youd be amazed at how much you learn from what they say even if it isnt exactly what you wanted. i mean clearly most people dont have this problem and it seems your lack of understandning of how ge does things is the reason for the problem instead of the lack of coding knowledge like you were saying. so we all have trouble sometimes but please dont get impatient with them theyre just tryin to help.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 3:49 am

i mean clearly most people dont have this problem

And your calling me disrespectful? Seriously if you can't help me then don't bother. Frankly this is getting annoying. Yes, I admitted I dont know what I'm doing, or rather what I should do. That's why I'm here asking for help. The range of answers I have gotten have honesly left me just as puzzled as I was when I posted the original question. Which I will ask ONE more time. Can I include multiple geds in a single game, and compile it so that others beside my self can play the game from an single .exe. What I have gotten from this is that as long as it's on my machine, I can play it, but I cant include all the files in a single instance for others to play on their machine. Is that about right? If thats the way it is just say so. I seriously thought there was a way to do it, but I am looking at the replies I have gotten, and I am beginning to think not. If I seem impatient, understand, I would rather be making a game, and moving forward, than trying to decipher a bunch of information that I hardly would know anything about in the first place. I thank those who have offered up advice, but I'm just saying. If there is a way to do what I'm asking then please tell me "how". Not what I "could" do, "might do".

so compile your main game (level1) as the EXE file, e.g. "game.exe". then export your different levels as level1.dat,2,3,4 and so on.
in your main game you can switch levels using "loadgame("level1.dat")" for example. if you want to go back from a level to your main game, call "loadgame(game.exe").

So from this I assume I can't send the game out as a single file which can be run on someone else's machine. I got that I can make 1 .exe file, and the rest are .dat. But when I export the files they are simply in the same folder as the exe? And how does that work if I want to export the entire game for others to play. I am about to give up on this....
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby rykein » Thu May 19, 2011 5:00 am

i can help you and you were bein disrespectful. your definition of single is not the same as ours which seems to be the problem. NO you CANNOT have a SINGLE GAME through multiple geds as there will be multiple files. we still count that as a single game but all this damn confusion seems to be because we all did not realize that is what you meant. these things happen and that is why you need to explain yourself fully and be patient.

and clearly we didnt know what you were talking about as it didnt work. we wouldnt deliberatly disregard what you are asking so have some patience. anyway if you are making your game well this wouldnt be a stopping point as you could still work on stuff in your game. and so you know that info kodo gave you was perfectly relevent seing as your problem was thinking single game meant single file. if you read that it demos what we thought as single.

o and to prevent confusion i did not use caps as disrespect. i used it to try to make my point clear.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 5:13 am

The title says it all. Multiple geds in one game? I don't know how much more clear I could be. I don't think it was my mistake, or miscommunication. But oh well. I still don't know because even your reply has left a bit of uncertainty...

NO you CANNOT have a SINGLE GAME through multiple geds as there will be multiple files. we still count that as a single game ...

I wouldn't count that as a single game, at least not from what my original inquiry was anyway. So alas, I suppose it will remain a mystery. Thanks anyaway.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby rykein » Thu May 19, 2011 5:22 am

ok... then humor us and are lack of understanding and knowledge of what you define a game as. cuz you started talking about multiple and single files but now it sounds like that isnt important. i can put up 3 geds that when exported can load eachother with the click of a button. since they are all about the other i would call it a single game but thered be 3 files in it.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby jcflysrc » Thu May 19, 2011 7:35 am

ok... then humor us and are lack of understanding and knowledge of what you define a game as. cuz you started talking about multiple and single files but now it sounds like that isnt important. i can put up 3 geds that when exported can load eachother with the click of a button. since they are all about the other i would call it a single game but thered be 3 files in it.

Guys I'm not looking for any static from anyone, honestly. Just help...thats all. I'm glad you can run 3 geds with the click of a button, really I am. I think it's great! But you nor anyone else has explained to me how to actually do that. I just keep getting responses like yours, which frankly arn't helping me out that much. Do you not see that? I just want the run down on "how to". That's it. Nothing more. I dont understand the unwillingness to share what you know...but oh well.
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Re: Multiple geds in one game?

Postby rykein » Thu May 19, 2011 7:39 am

the problem is that we want to help and we dont understand what exactly you want. you seem to get annoyed when we dont get it exactly right so i mentioned that i can do that. is that in fact what you want? if so i can upload the geds so you can test it as it could be wrong with your setup. you ignored skys previous attempt though so not sure about that.

if indeed the thing i said i could do is what you want then say so. we cant make howtos of things we dont get that your not getting as clearly our previous attempts to explain/understand were not to your standards. youre lack of trust in us and patience is absurd and makes at least me on guard. i dont want to disapoint you but you arent helping me know that i am indeed going to explain what you want. otherwise if i show it to you and it isnt id get insulted.

sorry came out a bit ruder than i intended. im just rather tired of not understanding what you want and your tired of me. we want to help..... we really do.
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