Need Help With Random Movement

Non-platform specific questions.

Need Help With Random Movement

Postby PatronPM » Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:55 pm

I want an actor to move in a random bouncing pattern within a square area (like a ball in jezzball would, or perhaps like a tamogochi would move within its pen). I'm imagining that I will create a square actor, put the small character actor within it and then have to script out what happens every time the internal actor collides with a wall. I can do it so the character bounces back and forth, just not in a more "random" way. Thanks!
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Re: Need Help With Random Movement

Postby NERDnotGEEK » Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:05 pm

Not totally sure what you wanted so I made an example with two modes. press the packman to toggle between them :) hope this helps
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Re: Need Help With Random Movement

Postby PatronPM » Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:10 am

you hit the nail right on the head, thank you so much.
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