I didn’t mean to put you off, but in my experience that’s what its like a lot of the time. It does have its ups and downs, it is hard, but at the end of the day you get something you’ve put a lot of work into being reviewed by mags, advertised on the telly and sitting on the shelves in the stores so it is kind of rewarding. If you're lucky you might also see some royalties!
Where I am it takes about 1.5 to 2 years to deliver a AAA title for Xbox, PS2 and PC with around 60 people working on it, but you're not always doing the long hours, and I suppose its better than a lot of jobs! As for the job security, I guess that’s very much a thing of the past in most industries anyway, unless you're really lucky.
Some people do really love it though, especially when younger; and it helps if you don’t mind moving around as there are lots of companies you can apply to, some people I know have worked all over Europe
If you think you might fancy getting into games it is a valid career just like any other, in fact it’s probably better than a lot. How old are you? If you’re still at school you might be able to get some work experience at a studio so you can get a look at it from the inside. I think the schools might arrange it, so if you've a careers officer or similar at school it might be worth asking them, failing that it can't hurt to send a letter (or email) to studios that interest you and ask how you might go about doing some work experience with them.
Meanwhile, practice is a good thing and you're kind of lucky to have found GE as unlike some authoring systems it really lets you get to grips with the basics of how games are put together, if you get the hang of this you'll already be developing some of those essential skills, such as programming in C, using art packages and understanding how games work. I've been in the professional games industry for nearly 10 years now and I find GE is a great tool; I got into games because I love them, but for the last 6 years I’ve been working on large titles with big budgets on the latest platforms, this gives me some space to do what I want and its revived my otherwise fading enthusiasm for games