Finally got a chance to test this..
Very nice intro! That must have been a big work to make with GE!
Gameplay is also fun.
You have some moonwalk issues, sometimes Sonic can slide with standing animation.
And for some reaseon when Sonic is in air and I press left or right and release it immediately, his
yvelocity goes back to 0 and then he starts to accelerate the falling again. Why is that?
Also, the velocity that those red springs give to Sonic have the same issue, if I press and release
left or rigth button when Sonic has jumped from that, his flying velocity goes to 0 and he starts to fall.
Is there some reason for setting yvelocity to 0 when key is released?
The boos fight is insanely hard, is it possible to win?
Very nicely built fight engine!
Overall the game is enjoyable, you deserve 1+ for your efforts!
Keep up the good work with this!
- lcl -