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Postby SarmadRabbani » Thu Jan 11, 2018 2:32 pm

Hey Guys!! :)

I am New here, I want to ask a question.
How can I make my player throw grenade. Can anybody make me a sample ??

Thanks in advance. :)

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Re: Grenades

Postby juansimat » Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:38 pm

I recommend to search on the forums, they might be already a bunch of implementations of what you're asking about.

Also, take into account they can be quite different, mostly due to them being for a top down game or a side scroll one. So we don't know what you are really looking for if you don't give much info.

By the way, welcome to the forums and start taking a look at the tutorials so you learn the basics.
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Re: Grenades

Postby SarmadRabbani » Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:02 pm

Thankx very much!!!

I found the material in the forum.
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