jonathang wrote:With dedication from bat78, thecpu, Skydereign, and the rest of the gE community, I bet this thread will be history (because gE is better than revived.)
Online support, less space in projects, chatrooms, syncing between host and clients, and other tons of new features. GE is awesome enough, but with these extra features, especially online support... It will rule the game making engines everywhere! If this happens soon I'll just have to scrap unity (not that I ever used it anyway, but in college I'm forced to. >_<) and make my game making carrier in gE instead! I support you all, gE will reign once again! I'm really sorry I couldn't help the development though, I don't have the skills yet, and life is on the way constantly.
Best of luck to thecpu, Bat, Skyde and other people I haven't mentioned helping gE!
"Skyde" especially.
But quiet jonatangent.. you barely log-in once per millenia..
And that kindly pointed out.. how do you know these things anyway? O.o
You secret stalker..