Hblade wrote: (excluding the wireframe thing that one guy did)
That is "real 3d". Everything is eventually drawn onto a 2d canvas, so that is about as 3d as it gets.
Hblade wrote: and I'd like to see that free camera system
I'll have to look around for it. But in the meantime here is the isometric test I was talking about. I stopped working on this prototype due to the inefficient rotating, though I'm sure I could have worked most of the oddities out if I stuck with it. I was just testing if I wanted to make a dungeon crawler using the isometric style. The graphics aren't mine, I'd have liked to swap them out with my own temporary graphics, but I hadn't made any animations like that before.
The game acts as a map editor and level tester. You can switch between the two by changing the value of the editor variable in the view's create actor event. When in the editor mode, use arrow keys to move around, enter to place a tile, backspace to remove a tile, and keypad 4/6 to change the tile type (if you don't have keypad, you'll have to change the trigger keys and the script a little, but it should be pretty trivial). Ctrl-s to save the file, Ctrl-l to load the map. Pressing r/f rotate the map, r doing it instantaneously while f tries to animate it.
When in testing mode, arrow keys to move, space to jump, and f/r to rotate. It's a bit buggy, but again it was just another dropped prototype. I do believe though it qualifies for this challenge.