GE Unstable?

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GE Unstable?

Postby imagremlin » Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:33 am

I like GE. A lot. Over the last two months I've poured countless hours into my game.

Problem is, as my game has grown in size, both GE and the game exe itself have become increasingly unstable. At this point my game has *two* levels and I get a "Game Editor has stopped working" dialog pretty much every single time I use GE or try to play the game. The problem is not consistent, It wont happen at the same location every time, but it will happen.

Tried both on Vista and XP on different computers, with the same results. Tried splitting the levels (although both keep large amounts of scripts and variables), no luck.

Is there any work being done on the GE's stability? I checked the source code and no tickets mention any of that.

I'll happily share my game's source (though is fairly big right now, some 50 megs) if it helps the cause.

I have plans to start a commercial game, and would really, really like to use GE. As it is, this does not seem possible.

I've downloaded the source code and will try to find the time to see what I can find (I'm a fairly competent C++ programmer), not very hopeful though, considering the complexity.
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Re: GE Unstable?

Postby jimmynewguy » Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:48 pm

Are you using activation regions, they will help greatly!

what are those you might ask?

Never fear url link is here!

Edit: oops you made that topic, but are you using activation regions? and how many if you are.
Edit2:Do you have the full version of GE if yes make levels .dat files and load them, i think there is a demo on that in the demos forum.......
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Re: GE Unstable?

Postby imagremlin » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:16 pm

Yes I'm using activation regions.

At this point I have three, one for all my splash screens and one for each level.

At some point I tried having multiple AR per level, but that did not help matters.
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Re: GE Unstable?

Postby jimmynewguy » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:21 pm

how did you get to 50 megs? are you using png's? what kind of music?
I would like to see the source if possible, and to save space in the zip could you compress it to make download time shorter if not its ok. Thanx
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Re: GE Unstable?

Postby imagremlin » Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:49 am

Here is the source.

I'm using mostly GIFS. Some jpegs here and there. Music is in OGG (and I've cut it to try and keep it small). Sounds are in WAV
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Re: GE Unstable?

Postby makslane » Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:31 pm

The best way to find a crash in the code is running the game in debug mode.
If the crash happens with the executable:

1) Configure the Game Editor with the STAND_ALONE_GAME and GAME_EDITOR_PROFESSIONAL defines (look the compilation.txt file for more info)
2) In the code /gameEngine/GameControl.cpp, look the GameControl::CheckStandAloneMode function and make the executableName variable the name of the executable file you want to test.
3) Compile and execute the project in game mode
4) When you get the crash, you will see the location of the code and can fix it
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Re: GE Unstable?

Postby jimmynewguy » Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:07 pm

That's weird no crashes here....... but the boss guy is really hard :lol: i wonder why it crashes for you and not me... can someone else try it?

ps: The game is kind of like Spanish castle vania with people that use lightsabers, right? ne way hard to figure controls (Hablo un poco de español) :lol: but could you change the attack key from shift to something else? It makes sticky keys come up whenever i attack :lol: how do you beat that boss? :evil: :lol:
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Re: GE Unstable?

Postby imagremlin » Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:05 am

"Spanish castle vania with people that use lightsabers". That's quite correct, although it sounds kinda crazy now that I hear it from someone else. I guess you don't see these things when you've been working on the game for months on end. And yes, I'm quite competent as a programmer, but I can't draw beans, so I stole most of the graphic stuff from SOTN.

Ahh, the Level One boss. He's not that tough. Hit it in the head. With the fireball is easier (I reckon you figured out the fireball if you got the key from the evil eye). You can also use the lightsaber, it does a lot of damage, but its quite hard to do.

As for the keys, You got left, right, jump, crouch on the arrow keys. Shift for the lightsaber, space for the fireball and Ctrl for the shield. F1 for help (though is in spanish).I'm not 100% happy with these yet.

You can also use these cheats: "hero" makes you invincible. "fire" gets you the fireball, "shield" gets you the shield. "boss1" takes you to boss 1 and "level2" to level 2.

Get to level 2, it will glitch for sure. Level 1 only glitches on ocassion.
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Re: GE Unstable?

Postby BlarghNRawr » Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:39 am

is there alot of stuff on you computers? thats why mine doesnt work cometimes...
try running the disk defrag. or disk cleanup
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