Game Editors power

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Game Editors power

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:51 pm


Steam punk is a great idea, really, but when everything is finished, what are we going to do. (always look to the future) MAKE ANOTHER GAME!!!!! :D
This time, I think all the members should make a game. And finally, we sell this one. We could try sell it on the site, or some other site, but if that doesn't work, lets sell it to a company, like Microsoft or Rovio. We all can do stuff that kids have dreamed of doing, make Games. I know a lot of good artists like sonicforevergame, and Ripperstudios.
We have fantastic coders like skyregion, makslane, lcl. We could have people in charge of mobile games like JetpackGrizzly, Ripperstudios. We could have people in charge of music and sound effects like Bee-ant. People in charge of storys like Hblade, Me. (Personally I would like to do more.) We all could make darn good games. Just think the credits, us all in it. It would look like a professional Game. And at the end of it all. You would be really proud, you would say, 'I made that' or 'I was in that project' Just think of all the people playing it saying, 'This is one of my favourite games, wouldn't that make you feel proud. Imagine seeing our game in an advert. All your friends saying ' You worked in that project?' all the respect you would get. Now I might be exaggerating but you could be face to face with the creator of THQ or Sega, maybe even Nintendo!
Our games maybe so popular that we would need a Company name, like GED. gameEditor is a very powerful tool. Look at all the discoveries made so far. Zooming in, 3D!
I'm 11 years old. I own Knuckle Crunch Games. My company would not be possible without it. And the thing is, I enjoy making games with GE. I've tried game creators like,
Game Maker, stencyl. I can't get into it. but GE, GE sucked my into it's fantastic world. Helpful forums. and All the exports. Now who wouldn't want to make a game for their phone. Your game on a handheld console. So What do you say GE Users. Post who is intrested.
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Re: Game Editors power

Postby sonicforvergame » Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:43 pm

well i have some thing to say about that speech.

1-We can't make a game with all the members because we have about 23500 Users. Now if you meant a forum project with all the best members now that could be more like it, like steam punk and other forum projects.
2-I don't think We (game editor) can sell a game to a company like Rovio only if it's a good to one of they're game,but you can give the game To the company but remember one thing Selling a game is way more difficult than giving a game especially when it's for a known company and for my knowledge Microsoft don't make GAME the are a software that you can play game on .
3-I do think you are exaggerating because getting face to face with Sega or Nintendo is a dead end for use because we still can't REALLY make a 3D game we just have a concept and i am not going to talk about THQ because the THQ company is failing at the moment, after publishing DARKSIDERS II that was quite a failure (only 1 million copy sold THAT IS NOTHING for a game)


1-All of the Users you talked about are good in many ways Script,art,story,music.
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Re: Game Editors power

Postby NightOfHorror » Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:31 am

I believe that it is quite obvious when he says that all of the members, he means all the active members, so I hope you were joking about that. As for Con 2, you may be right there, but you never know, always worth a shot, maybe if could be sold as some type of little downloadable game on the systems, other than as a game app. Con 3, yeah, I don't think that would go out too well, that requires more than making games. You have to build a console for starts, that has a unique feature that makes people want it, and then get companies to make high-quality games, you can't make your system just a gimmick. That would be hard though, as all we could do is enhance products already made, and I don't think all of us combined have enough money to fund a project that large. We would need to find a company that would help us produce the console. Perhaps, if we could, we could jump on the new eye tech that is coming up on Samsung Galaxy 4. Combine touchscreen, motion sensing, and eye control :D Just tossing ideas for fun! :)
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Re: Game Editors power

Postby sonicforvergame » Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:59 pm

your idea is cool Because


1-imagine a game when your voice control the game itself like you say "move to left" and the main actor move to left


1-we already have touch screen don't you remember :) ?

My idea

1-eye control is way to much work, i don't think that i could be done with the current money or technologies MAKSLANE can use


your ideas and judgment are quite cool,even if some of them are a little bit extravagant (brainstorming or very big)
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Re: Game Editors power

Postby NightOfHorror » Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:26 am

so what if there is already touchscreens,we make it better, wiiU didnt get sued by apple for touchscreen tech. Oh and of course with the resources we have making this console is next to impossible. Perhaps if we made one, or seemed to be highly likely to make one, we could have bigger companies invest in it and therefore get the mass-production problem out of the way. Sadly, making the games out today with GE for now is impossible, unless some people made a console level GE engine. We would also need other third-person companies to make games also. Hmm, I think I will start a topic on this tomorrow if I remember. :)
"I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that wont work." quoted by Thomas Edison.
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