Continuous audio playing on Multiple levels possible?

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Continuous audio playing on Multiple levels possible?

Postby monsterbrain » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:04 pm

If the game contains multiple levels (each levels are separate .ged's & .dat's), i have to reload the same music again to play that in the next level.

Problems are:

1. since each levels are either .exe or .dat files, the music file gets added to each file, thus increasing in size.
2. each time when music is played, it starts from beginning. Continuity is lost.

Is there any way to externally load music files or accessing common audio/sound files between various levels ?
[Hope i made myself clear]
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Re: Continuous audio playing on Multiple levels possible?

Postby skydereign » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:09 pm

No, there isn't a way to do this with multiple ged files. I'd recommend using a single ged, and use a map loader. That way you don' t need extra copies of the resources, and you are able to have continuous music through levels.
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Re: Continuous audio playing on Multiple levels possible?

Postby monsterbrain » Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:19 am

skydereign wrote:No, there isn't a way to do this with multiple ged files. I'd recommend using a single ged, and use a map loader. That way you don' t need extra copies of the resources, and you are able to have continuous music through levels.

Thanks for the Reply .. Working in a Single GED file is good, but when things increase in numbers, Ge slows down a bit and sometimes ends in a crash.
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Re: Continuous audio playing on Multiple levels possible?

Postby skydereign » Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:22 am

monsterbrain wrote: when things increase in numbers, Ge slows down a bit and sometimes ends in a crash.

Which is why you don't have levels within the ged. You should load your levels from external files, that way there should be no slow down due to to many things happening at once. And even if you don't want to build the map editor, you can use activation regions to some extent.
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