I think this would probably the best place to put this thread since, in "Tutorials" Moon Defender is the first place to "Get Started"
I finished the tutorials, which is extremely hard to read with the grid in the background btw, and now I'm in the troubleshooting phase. Right off, the "trace" repeats itself even when "car" jumps and "sand" is animated the entire time and the sound is constant like a car motor. Also, these "trace" traces stay on the screen when you go back and forth from game mode to editing mode. Also, I think the rockets are flying behind "panel" I know most likely i need to put "rocket" in front of panel. Also, isnt "car" supposed to die? My actor wont die when his health is gone.
I'm going to go back through the tutorial to see what I've done wrong, if any. I feel like I followed the tutorial pretty well but you know how that goes, that's why I'm double checking. Any hints on what I missed while I try to fix it?
Also, i've been trying to look for Moon Defender threads if you could help me out as well. I searched for them and could not find anywhere that people were talking about just starting on moon defender and having problems. Also, I want to use mouse to shoot. The controls or this game are ridiculous. I don't see how I'm supposed to move with the arrows with one hand, move the cannon with the other hand, and jump. However, I did change jump to the up arrow so that helped. I just don't want to use R-CTRL for firing, I want Left Mouse.
I know there is a load of information and questions in this thread but, I couldn't find any answers in the forum, not yet anyway.