Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

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Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby Hblade » Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:12 am

Hi everyone, this is a project I am going to be working on and hopefully with your help. This will be insane when we get done.

The project is, we build an RTS (Real Time Strategy), and mix it with an RPG (Role Playing Game), almost like Crystal Defenders, (Final Fantasy game), but with more features. The features I have in mind are leveling up system instead of upgrading, and leveling up takes EXP not money :D Placeing people and mosnters to defend the what ever we will come up with will cost Zenny. The people get stronger with more monsters they kill. Also, you can do a Rush Level up where you pay zenny to level a character up. Also, Rush Stats Up, which increases a stat by paying zenny.

We will need a level editor, (DST that means you), in the format of .srl, (Strategy RPG Level), so we can load up the levels by a function. We will also need programmers, such as Pyrometal, for the system events, such as the battle system. We will also need a graphics designer, who will be making some characters, mosnters, bosses, and the title screen graphic. We will also need a music composer.

I will be the administrator and beta tester. I guess I'll test how it's coming along when ever you guys make more features.

If this game makes it on the market, we can all split the profet some how, I'll leave that up to someone who's good at handling money.


Art / Graphics Designers:
Menu / button designer, Superbeni
building / isometric building designer, MrJolteon

Music Composers:

Financial Handling:
Last edited by Hblade on Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby Superbeni » Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:16 pm

I think its a good idea, maybe i can help with graphical stuff an effects, but i am not good at explosions and such things.
But the menu, buttons and so on i would like to do.
I hope some more will join!
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby jimmynewguy » Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:27 pm

i hate to rain on your parade, but alot of the older members of the forums don't exactally have the time to work as a team. Personally i think this is a large project, however can be completed by 1 person with the help of others. It's just alot easier to make things on your own then it is to explain it to 50 people and plan out what each person is going to do, plus everyone has his/her own "style" of doing things. Which means codes, sprites, music, and sound effects won't necessarily(but spelled right) fit together. I have done alot of experimenting with the RTS portion of GE and can help you if your interested in some codes. Though i do strongly beleive that this should be done by you. And with working by yourself you know exactally what you want and can test each added thing after it's been put in, to find the problem before there is 99999 lines of code. :) Honestly though, don't let my 1 opinion effect how you go about doing this. In fact if you prefir, ignore it completley.
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby DST » Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:29 pm

I agree with Jimmy.

If anything, the best way to recruit new members is to have a working game already. The more you have working, the more likely people will be to devote their time to the project.

Its not always fun and games, as jimmy said, if the art, music, or coding styles don't fit together, it won't work. This means that an artist might give you a great pic, but its not the right style for the game. What will you do? Tell them to make it in a different style?

You can't have another artist edit the images, or the original artist will be furious. Its the same with music and coding, too, though usually musicians and coders aren't as touchy as artists (usually).

So you need people devoted to it, and to get that, it's best to have the basic game working already.

If you want to catch fish, you need some bait. If the bait is poor, the fish won't go for it. So you gotta start with good bait.
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby Hblade » Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:33 am

Alright, I guess I'll get started on it :/
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby MrJolteon » Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:30 pm

I can maybe design the graphics. My speciality is isometric buildings. I can try to make characters as well.
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby mrgame » Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:07 pm

a team of people would not be that hard to set up in my opinion. i have worked on 2 projects with people out of the site and it all fit together nicely. you just need to have constant comunication and at minimum weekly meetings over somthing more real time than a forum. msn did the trick for us :P

if you are still looking for someone to help with anything i would be more than happy to help after the end of this week, by then my puzzle game shall be finished.

sorry for any spelling mistakes, i rushed this post :P
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby Hblade » Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:42 pm

Awesome, keep them comin! :D
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby Hblade » Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:43 pm

mrgame wrote:a team of people would not be that hard to set up in my opinion. i have worked on 2 projects with people out of the site and it all fit together nicely. you just need to have constant comunication and at minimum weekly meetings over somthing more real time than a forum. msn did the trick for us :P

if you are still looking for someone to help with anything i would be more than happy to help after the end of this week, by then my puzzle game shall be finished.

sorry for any spelling mistakes, i rushed this post :P

What would you be able to help on? :D
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby MrJolteon » Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:03 pm

Here's the first building, a gym to train up workers
RTSRPG_Building00 Gym 30000 Zenny.PNG
RTSRPG_Building00 Gym 30000 Zenny.PNG (1.83 KiB) Viewed 1825 times

Building info:
Name: Gym
Made of(material): Bricks + concrete(between the bricks)
Cost: 30000Z(means zenny)
Requirements: 2 workers, 500000 stone(It's material)
Cost each 30min: 20Z each worker
Income: 5 each hour
Train your workers. Each 20Z gives one worker 10% of a level.
About where the lines is bad made on the path to the door: It's a ramp.

I can also design material icons, and source areas, and make music with my cellphone(by using MusicDJ, on Sony Ericsson cellphones).
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby MrJolteon » Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:12 am

I made some material icons for Coal and Brick
Here's info:
Name: Brick
Type: Building Material
Where to get: Square Cliff
Requirements: Stoneworks
How to get: Place the stoneworks on the top of the Square Cliff, and wait.

Name: Coal
Type: Burning Material
Where to get: Burnt Forest, Deep Hole
Requirements: Coal Mine, Sawmill A
How to get: Place Sawmill A so that one of the sawblades is on the top of a tree, or place the Coal Mine on top of the Deep Hole.

I will design where to get and what needed later.
Here's the icons:
Brick.png (566 Bytes) Viewed 1817 times
Coal.png (460 Bytes) Viewed 1817 times
That was it. I made the coal before I started helping with this project.
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby Gaga » Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:27 pm


Sounds like a great idea.
I am not the creative one but I can help you with other stuff like testing or advices for programming.
If you are interested leave me a message
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby MrJolteon » Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:26 am

Title screen!
It's not done, but it will look like this.
Used ImagePoster on my forum(click the green bar in my signature) to post it here.
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Alright, well primarily...

Postby Haldirian87 » Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:42 am

Alright, well primarily, I think you're on a great start even conceptualizing a variant of game which takes elements from multiple genres. I'm kinda' an exceller at some things you could use, which is being a feature think tank, coming up with features and certain parameters you could put into your game. Additionally, I have a Group Manager if you ever get a good-sized team built up, because I've directed teams of about 240 scripters before, and I couldn't have done so without some mid-line people helping transfer information to keep things running efficiently. Though the insane amount of scripters only made a program, which was a program-simulation for running visual fog, which flowed depending on inserted wind speed, physical objects, and density, and lots of other things. Though that was five years ago, and right now I'm starting up with a full-game which will be finished in (guesstimation) five years approx.. A huge commitment, though once I get the right team, which I'm well on my way to getting, already have five others, I'll be able to produce the first full game in my Developer career. I'm confident on that because I have a great creativity and imagination, and I'm able to full grasp ALL of the things I want to put not the game and in what specific ways I want them to be put in. By the looks of what I've seen, it looks like you have many things to offer in your expected product, and I'm sure, if you keep to it, you'll be able to produce it. If you need some ideas on your game, feel free to pester me, because me and my group manager will be spending quite a bit of time on this forum, and we're available about 6 days a week. Though I won't be able to truly offer resources until I have extra workers, or I'm replacing workers, for more experienced ones, if I do, I'll see if I can get them to boost their experience with your game. My team would also like to look at how you develop your game, because we're new to Game Editor, and we're trying to learn EVERYTHING about it, and it's much different than all the other Game Creation Software we've seen. Additionally, I'll offer you some of our A.I. Engineering Scripts to you when we produce them, because if you can have a sense of realism in the game, along with quality, originality, and full of immersible features that the player can become entranced by. There's much to game development when you try to create a good game. May your Project prosper
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Re: Project RTSRPG, new type of RTS and RPG

Postby MrJolteon » Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:35 am

Cool! You're in!
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