Help me on my quest. Don't say it won't work. Tell all your friends. Tell how newbie-friendly it is. Go on every available website and post GE links. Make a banner that promotes GE. Send out fliers. Read this. Never give up on this. Make a lot of GE videos and post them as much as you can. Help promote other GE videos and send it to the top of YouTube. Never give up on this. Make as much GE sites as you can. Tell your friendly newspaper guy. Get it on the news. Send GE to magazines. Start making copies of your games and putting them on disks, and send them out with the GE site name. Make GE clean and organized. Add the Best of the Week section. Make apple games. If you use pro, include as much GE links with the info as much as you can. Get the express if you can. If you can't then make them for free. Never give up on this. Have your own club and announce GE to your members. Promote GE in all these ways. LETS GO BIG!