I decided to say "Hello" to gamemakers and ask for something.
Sorry for my rather poor english, guys.
I am thinking about making relatively simple(thus probably evolve) game inspired by Dwarf Fortress, adom and the unreal world.
No, wait - to be honest it may be VERY difficult, i am trying to evaluate GE possibilities, actually, before i start to do anything.
Here's screenshot of gfx version of DF i am actually using(deons genesis 3.18e + my gfx mods):
Now, few very first thought about idea:
- Game will work on 640x480 screen, but it's real space area should be 320x240 - i mean - 320x240 scaled by 2x, ZERO smoothing, zero interpolation, nothing. Why that's important, below. Is this possible?
- DF is top-view game and it's using Z-levels(<- it's VERY important). My plan is to use max 5 z-levels and 15x19 tile area per z-level at the beginning. Now - no tile(wall, tree) = empty space(air), if character walks onto it, it drops one z-level down at EXACT location related to its earlierposition, of course. Is this possible?
- Game has no animations for sprites, and generally - no animations at all(relief!), objects movement is per tile, not smooth. I now this is possible(relief), so it's ok.
- DF engine operates on square tiles, every tile is, generally speaking, actor(vide screenshot). Game world is like one big array. Every tile is interactive in one way or another with beings(collectibles, walls, stairs, workshops, etc). Now, DF is most demanding game made EVER, it takes every home computer to the knees, just in effect of gigantic data amount computed in gameflow result. I am planning to make very small game area to prevent slowdown.
- Game is about digging and building(..and magma, but let's skip this for a while). And this is my main reason of writing that post - evaluating GE possibilities.
Now: is GE able to let me make such scenario:
a. show a menu with char jobs per keypress(touchscreen area),
b. build a "workshop area", with building time related to char stats,
c. when char is "on" the workshop area, another menu can be opened(item making, related to OBTAINED materials).
d. created item may be placed on the ground, or taken into inventory.
Other one:
here's screenshot on unnafected piece of world, slopes, stone, trees, plants etc etc.
Now - digging stone tile is giving stone(object, collectable, and droppable, used for BUILDING walls, workshops, etc).
Is such operation possible in GE?
here's screenshot of ground level, 320x240 at this time(it's matter of used tileset here and overall details size need):
lets say, that dug stone from previous screenshot is used here giving wall tiles.
Are such ground "terraforming" functions possible to get in GE engine?
I can imagine, that only way for making that kind of game is operating on quite an amount of arrays, am i right?
i am reading whole forum now, and
here's good pic showing how i can see it:
damn, i must go now, writing this took me some time...
Please, guys, share your thoughts..it may be quite interesting brainstorm for some, i think.
Topic will be updated soon(more questions...i.e. materials, melting, z-levels interaction..).
Tell me, can i store all gfx i may need in one tileset gfx? remember - there will be no animations of objects here.