Hey guys! I'm basically done boot camp for the summer, only 4 days left! So I was thinking that I should create a new game when I come back, most likely a plateformer cuz that's my style! But I need some input for a few of its characteristics since I can't decide... So I want you guys to vote on a few things to help me decide! Here they are:
- (1) Has a story to follow.
- (2) Doesn't have a story.
Mapping Style:
- (1) Exploration (Metroid style map, non-linear)
- (2) Levels (Super Mario style maps, linear)
- (3) A combination of the previous two
Unit Block Dimensions:
- (1) 16x16 pixels
- (2) 20x20 pixels
- Current resolution is set for 320x240 pixels
- (1) Puzzle (More like maze exploration / problem solving)
- (2) Shooter (More like Megaman)
- (3) Pick-up and throw (More like Super Mario Bros 2)
- (4) A Combination of these...?
Game Length:
- (1) Playable in one day
- (2) Playable in a few days
Game Pace:
- (1) Slow pace
- (2) Normal pace
- (3) Fast pace!
Thanks in advance for voting! Please include category names and select options!