Pithman Development Thread - Source released!

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Pithman Development Thread - Source released!

Postby Jagmaster » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:48 pm

Welcome to "Project: Pithman"!
Source available here! >>> http://secondbake.com/pithman-beta-project-files/

Download executable files (windows only) >>> http://secondbake.com/dl/pt/Beta%20Executables.zip

Old post (now irrelevant)
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Pithman is a platform rpg game with different characters and weapons to toggle through, and unique objects (blocks) to interact with to solve puzzles. Some of these objects will be able to interact only with certain characters or weapons.
The style of the animations for the characters in this game will be cutout style (Where the parts of a character are split into different joints and animated independently, vs. animating frame by frame)
 I will want to make a micro version as well, with traditional pixel art with a more retro feel.

My plans so far:

Storyline: The storyline is very loose yet, This is only a rough outline.

The story follows an old explorer and his assistant on a quest to find the lost temple of the scorpion. The duo venture their way through thick, monkey infested jungles, climb volcanoes and mountains, and  go across sandy beaches until they find the temple... (I don't want to give away to many details regarding what happens after this.)
►If you are interested in the development of the storyline, pm me. 

The game will probably be composed of 10 chapters with different sublevels, minigames and map sequences.

Gameplay features:
The game's characters will have the basic run left/right, jump, and duck control of a normal platformer. The characters will also have their own unique weapons and tools that will help you progress through the game. The weapons can be accessed through the inventory menu and swapped with different weapons that were picked up. Extra characters can be unlocked by completing levels or some bonus task. 

Weapons: When the player holds the spacebar, they are able to target objects and enemies with different weapons. Some weapons will be character specific, and others can be collected by hitting other objects and enemies. Weapons can be toggled using the inventory menu.

Pickup weapons:
Coconut: Rolls back and forth and hits enemies and objects in it's path.
Egg: Breaks upon collision with the ground or an enemy, then drops a yolk that hits enemies.
Dynamite: Explodes and hits enemies and player.
►I need ideas for more pickup weapons! What would you find in a jungle environment?

So, throw me some ideas. Everyone here has been a big help already!
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby JamesLeonardo32 » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:18 am

Pith, man... lol :D
This looks and sounds very promising. =)
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby Jagmaster » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:37 am

Thank you. I appreciate your interest. :D
At some point I'll figure out a fuller title. Professor Pithman and the _________ of Doom or something to that effect.
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby makslane » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:28 am

Good game project, congratulations!
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby JamesLeonardo32 » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:59 am

Wow, its Makslane! = D Congratulations Jag! ;)
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby Jagmaster » Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:21 pm

makslane wrote:Good game project, congratulations!

Thank you Sir, it's an honor! :mrgreen:
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby lcl » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:27 pm

This sounds very interesting, good luck with it! :D
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby Jagmaster » Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:50 pm

Thank you for your kind words lcl! I look back at my past pm's and I probably told most of the storyline already. :lol:

(Btw, I'll still be able to help you with graphics for that layers game. I don't mind flowing from one project to another, as long as it doesn't get too confusing :D )

Again, if anyone has any ideas, don't hesitate to post! I'll give a point for a truly brilliant idea. My next update might be a while, but I will still welcome any help. :D
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby jimmynewguy » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:48 pm

I like action, I like platformers, I haven't met too many piths, but I don't like men....

Now that I'm done trying to be funny, I like how this looks so far :) Let me know if you need help at all. I'm not the smartest or most creative, but you never know what might come from me!

As for weapons, I feel like you should be able to throw a flying pith at people. Might as well use it if it's on him and in the title, right?
Working on a probably too ambitious project! Wild-west-adventure-RPG-shooter-thing.
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby Jagmaster » Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:22 am

Thanks for the idea JNG, I should use that. I'm not sure how aerodynamic a pith helmet is in the real world, but that makes it more of a reason to use it. :D If you think about it, the purpose of playing a video game is to do stuff that's impossible or (or illegal :shock: ) in the real world is it not? I need to think about the abilities of the hat now. And I'll let you know if I need any help. You're more creative than you claim. :mrgreen:

I'm still plugging away at that demo. It's far from playable, yet. I want to at least finish up most of the things on those plans and fix some ai issues. I do have a gameplay video on my site, but the quality is so crappy you can't barely see anything - Plus the flowplayer takes an incredible amount of time to load. This leads me to a phpBB related question, can you embed videos from other sites on the forum using the youtube line? I think one time I saw a vimeo video embedded here, but then again I could be mistaken. Anyway, so yeah, for now, I'll just keep plugging away at that demo, or at least find better means to post a video.

Demo progress is probably about 45ish% for the demo. :P
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby jimmynewguy » Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:22 pm

Have you ever played/seen the game Dark Sector? In it, your character had a three-bladed weapon you could throw and control to help you solve puzzles. It could be light on fire, or charged with electricity. Just was thinking that It would be cool for the player to be able to light the pith on fire and throw it again to burn enemies, or burn down thick bushes blocking the player's progress :P
Working on a probably too ambitious project! Wild-west-adventure-RPG-shooter-thing.
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby Jagmaster » Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:01 am

Hey, that's a neat idea! I've been trying to find ways to make this game more puzzling. I haven't played Dark Sector, but I should look it up. The way you describe the three bladed weapon, kinda sounds like the boomerang I implemented. That would be fun to catch on fire and throw around!

I've been wondering how to make this pith helmet work. I don't want to make another set of animations for him wearing the helmet and not wearing the helmet. I could have the helmet as a second actor that's parented to him, but that might be a pain to code all the directions and positions the helmet should be at at a given time. If I don't put Hat-Throwing in the game itself, I will defiantly put it in some kind of minigame. I do want to use this somehow because it's a great idea! It just might be too complicated for a multiple character toggle system. (I would assume a pith helmet would throw kinda like a Frisbee? :lol: )

This fire idea has spawned a lot of ideas for awesome puzzle gameplay! I know I will use this! Coconuts and dynamite would benefit from fire as well. Hahaha! I already have torches in the background as props (and occasionally providing light). Now I need to find a way to make the fire "useable".

Thanks for throwing ideas at me. It gets the creative juices flowing!
I'm working hard at this demo (or more of a beta version) for you guys to test. At least I am making progress. :P

I'd say more 50 to 60 percent for whoever is counting. (But this is progress for beta release.)
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby lcl » Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:17 pm

I'm waiting this, sounds very interesting! :)
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby EvanBlack » Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:26 am

Sidekick makes a great name!! But he could have an actual name too but Sidekick should be what the game characters call him lol.

Pithman: "So what do you make of this, Sidekick?"

Sidekick: "My name is paul..."

Pithman: "I think the clues lead us this way... COME SIDEKICK!"

Sidekick: "MY NAME IS... Ugh... nevermind..."
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Re: Pithman Development Thread

Postby Jagmaster » Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:18 am

Oh man, That's funny Evan. :lol: :lol:
And it matches Pithman's personality well too. Thank you this is excellent. +1 :D
Just the kind of thing I needed for both characters. Perhaps I could even call him Paul if that's alright?

@lcl: I'm really glad you're excited about this project! You guys are what motivate me the most! :D
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