Okay, my Google searching turned up nothing for this. Basically I was wondering if there was any way to add in an HTTP Webrequest to my project. I know we have openurl() or whatever that function is but I really could use the webrequest for a few things. One checking if an update is available for the project (just by reading the HTTP response string to see what version is on the server and compare it with an internal version string) and for statistics. My usage statistics script is a simple php page that takes HTTP GET statements and enters it into a database. Example:
http://localhost/statistics.php?GameMod ... et&ETC=etc Basically my question is this possible, and if so how. Its 12:45AM here, so I apoligize if I was rambling, I have been up since 8AM, and only had 4 hours of sleep. Anyways I am off to bed, thanks in advance.