Random example starters

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Random example starters

Postby jimmynewguy » Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:01 pm

Random examples I made because, well just because. I haven't really messed with GE in a while. I just made two base games (a paddle ball and a shooter) using Ari's sprite library, which is free, (http://www.widgetworx.com/widgetworx/po ... telib.html), and commented basically everything for people who maybe don't understand things so well/are new and don't know GE. There's no ends to the games, there are just a couple "how to's". This is all.
(57.75 KiB) Downloaded 331 times
Screenshot 2.PNG
Pew pew
Working on a probably too ambitious project! Wild-west-adventure-RPG-shooter-thing.
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Re: Random example starters

Postby tintran » Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:34 pm

with Arinoid.ged, rename "Data" folder to "data" otherwise graphics won't load under Linux.
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Re: Random example starters

Postby SuperSonic » Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:14 pm

Those look cool jimmy +1 :wink:
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