Rotating actors

Non-platform specific questions.

Rotating actors

Postby Pixelfox » Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:49 am

Hi guys!
First time poster.

My (rather ambitious) idea for a game is something similar to Limbo, ie not tile-based. But with a mouse-aimed shooting element. Fiddling in GE for a few nights and reading as many tutorials for it as I could find, I'm confident that I can do 80% of what I plan in GE, but there's one problem that I'm still unsure about;

Rotating actors.

I've toyed with the idea of a rotating world, like And Yet It Moves (
I realize that GE isn't vector based like Flash, but is it (even theoretically) possible to rotate actors? Even 90 degrees is fine. I'm not sure that switching between pre-rotated artwork is the best solution either, since objects and enemies wouldn't rotate with it, and you wouldn't be able to put the simulated pivot point on the player actor (if that makes sense). I thought about simply rotating the View, and then tweaking the player's 'gravity' to go sideways, but couldn't find anything that indicates that it's possible to rotate the View either.

I've tried to figure this out by myself, and I'm hoping it's possible with scripting, but my scripting ability is very limited (I can read, understand and modify scripts written by someone else, but I'm not sure I'd be able to write them from scratch).

Does anybody know if something like this is possible?

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Re: Rotating actors

Postby Game A Gogo » Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:48 pm

As of now, you can't rotate graphics in Game Editor, but when 1.5 comes out rotation will be available.
As of placement of actors and everything, you'll need to use cos and sin probably to do the trick as what you seem to want is to rotate the whole view.
I'd go in more detail but my time is limited as I'm in college right now
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Re: Rotating actors

Postby Pixelfox » Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:41 am

Thanks for the reply, Game A Gogo.

I thought as much. Ah well, I'll make do without those then.

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