Thank you for the information about enable/disable in changing animation. That makes sense and it's nice to not have my actor/characters running frantically all the time!
The other problem is that in the "ChangeAnimation" action, if you select direction "forward", it causes the animation to reseting. As a rule of thumb: If you are not chaning the animation direction (Don't using backward or stopped), you can set it to "no change", and as long as it's not set to stopped, the animation will still playing (and all that you change into) without reseting the animation to frame 0.
I tried 2 characters - one with 'no change' and one with 'forward' setting but didn't see a difference. The character with 'forward' didn't seem to reset but maybe it depends on the animation whether or not I would notice?
Yes you can use sprite sheets, but the frames must be equal in size (i.e. cannot use a xml parser that holds the coordinates of each frame). When add animation you can specify the number of rows and columns it has.
That makes sense in terms of what I've seen in sprite sheets, thank you. I've seen some sheets where images are spaced equally across and down the page - grid like - but others have images all over the page! It's good to know what can be used in game-editor. I think positions of images would be easier to figure out visually with an equally spaced grid.
You also can use gif, or multiple frames (switching from single file to multiple files, and having them with number suffix) that this time can be different sized.
Do you mean I could have a gif already made up and just add that as an animation? Not having to separate the pngs that made up the gif? I used a gif that way would I call it multiple file even though it's sort of looks like a single file on my computer - eg filename.gif
Or do I just use multiple file when I have the situation of image01.png . . . image10.png?
I have tried the last thing - image01.png . . . - and it works wonderfully! I managed to animate a small 'waterfall' that way today -
![Laughing :lol:](
great fun!
But what seeing you are trying to accomplish. When adding a sprite sheet that contains different sets of animations you want to use, there's something called as sequence inside gameEditor, you can add that "atlas" with all the frames, and create sequences that contain the ones you want for the specific animation (note that the index always start by 0; 0 is the first frame).
I will keep this in mind. It seems useful in terms of file size if I can have images on a sheet and pick and choose through a sequence since sometimes the images can repeat in different animations.
I am going to try out collisions next - I was thinking of jumps and tried some with using just scripts that changed the and and y value but something was missing. I saw from the jump help page that it needs a collision so I think that is next before jumping.