Which animation loading method would be less cpu intensive?

Non-platform specific questions.

Which animation loading method would be less cpu intensive?

Postby ericdg » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:14 am

If I have an image of a car with 36 frames, which would be the best choice to load the files. I am talking about pocket pc platform so every optimization helps.

1. Load all 36 images with seperate names like car1.bmp, car2.bmp, and so forth using multiple images.

2. Load one larger image containing all 36 images in frames.

3. Compile all images into an animated gif and load that.

I know a smaller file size would load faster, but assuming all options had the same file size, which would put less strain on the processor?
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Postby makslane » Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:12 pm

There is no differences between the three methods.
The animations, in the exported game, will load using the same internal compressed format.
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Postby ericdg » Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:36 am

Thats good. Does it matter what format my images are in and what size they are since it uses the internal compression?
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Postby makslane » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:51 pm

The parts of images that have transparency will be render slowly
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Postby MaDsk8tard » Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:37 pm

so if we make pictures like bmp 8 bits, we could expect better performances like png 16 bits with alpha channel?
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Postby makslane » Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:53 pm

Solid images (8, 16, 24) will have the same performance.
Only if have a alpha will be more slow (like PNG 32), but only in the parts with some trasparency.
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Postby ericdg » Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:49 am

So if only the background of an image is transparent, but the image itself is a solid color, then there will be no slowdown?
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Postby makslane » Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:54 pm

If you mean the 100% transparent areas, don't will have slowdowns.
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