AltruismIsDead wrote:Also I purchased gE on the Mac App store as well, but you were asking how come it's free on and why it's being sold on the App store? I believe with the gE purchase via the app store, you are paying $99 for a licensing fee, basically the ability to publish games made with the gE engine to iOS/Android etc.
Although I am not 100% sure with that info, maybe someone else can verify/clarify it?
happyjustbecause wrote: I can't use control+c to copy or control+p to paste
happyjustbecause wrote:And I tried downloading gE from the official website, but it only added recently opened projects, also it must run terminal while I have gameEditor open for some reason. Any ideas on how to help this problem?
AltruismIsDead wrote:Also are you sure you payed $10? or was that a typo because I thought it was $99/$100 on the App Store?
Skydereign wrote:Weird that the app version doesn't have the recently opened documents. But the terminal is a side problem of not using an app version. Executables run not via the app packaging must be run through the terminal, and there is no way of hiding it, aside from using an app.
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