Light All Clones

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Light All Clones

Postby ZeldaFan » Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:58 am

I'm using this code any canvas

global code:
Code: Select all
void drawCircle(double xpos, double ypos, double r)
    int xp, yp;
            if(sqrt(pow(max(xpos, xp)-min(xpos, xp), 2)+pow(max(ypos, yp)-min(ypos, yp), 2))<=r)  // This says put a pixel if it is within the circle, radius of r
                         putpixel(xp, yp);  // Puts the actual pixels in
void SetLight(int X, int Y, double R)
    draw_from("light", X, Y, R/light.width);

effect ative:
Code: Select all
SetLight(player.xscreen, player.yscreen, 70);

SetLight(fire.xscreen, fire.yscreen, 50);
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Re: Light All Clones

Postby bat78 » Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:17 pm

Awfully unclear what're you asking. (It generally doesn't seem like a question on a first place).
I'm sorry. :)

If this is discussing the script, I have nothing against it, as it works.
(Besides, a review wasn't requested).
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