Diana Kennedy.
I am definitely interested to try t out, but I will ask some time to give feedback
That’s no problem; all feedback is valuable even if it’s a week or two before you can reply. I’ve got plenty to carry on with
Anyone interested in testing this cut down version please post here AND email/PM me so I can send you the login and password details you need to download it.
The game is simple to play and the controls are simple. Left and Right are all you need to press; and you tap the character with your stylus to make him jump, that’s it! There are (in the downloadable version) Flame Throwers, Doors that work on buttons, Monsters and Vials that allow you to kill them, Elevators operated by pressing on screen icons, Compressors that crush the player, a time-up Ghost and more. Its a light puzzle-action platformer and should be fun and not too difficult. I’ll post a link to a web page with full gameplay instructions and hints/tips as soon as its ready
Thanks both for the kind comments on the screenshots! I use Paint Shop Pro do all the art, including title screens, backdrops, items, tiles and the animations. The main character is the most animated actor in the game, I'm trying not to have to much animation but striking a balance is important; one reason is that I’m trying to keep the game as small as possible so it’ll run on the widest range of PPCs. I started his walk animation by drawing a basic body and head, copied them 8 times so they were one under the other to create the frames (much like the character animation that comes with GE ) then placed vectors (easily editable lines on their own layer) over them to create the arms and the feet. I then went through each frame of his animation tweaking the arms and legs until it looked fluid, when that was ok I merged all the layers, added some proper colours, some finer details and shading. I'm no artist and it takes me a long time to get something I'm happy with. Unfortunately it means that my game is taking a long time to finish. Hopefully it’ll be worth it!