Now doing Game Editor Reviews!

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Now doing Game Editor Reviews!

Postby Hblade » Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:09 pm

I'm now doing reviews, if you would like me to review your games just let me know in a PM. Or message me via YouTube @

Somewhat detailed story or description of the game
The length of how long the game is (e.g: 1 to 2 hours of gameplay, 5 to 10 minutes of gameplay, etc)
Your name (sounds more professional)

Your email
Anything else you want to add
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Re: Now doing Game Editor Reviews!

Postby NightOfHorror » Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:05 am

You are not going to hold back, are you? It is nice to get good reviews, but it makes me mad and hurt when someone gives me a good review to make me feel better, when really I don't deserve it.
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Re: Now doing Game Editor Reviews!

Postby Hblade » Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:02 am

I'll be honest :)
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Re: Now doing Game Editor Reviews!

Postby lcl » Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:01 pm

Could you make a review of Dimension 55355? I could grant you a +1! :wink:

Information about TEH GMAE:

Well, you probably know the story..
In my toPic Me wrote:There is little guy who has came to new dimension by accident and really needs
help for getting back home. Help him to make his way out of the maze.

I really don't know. Depends on the player.
For me it takes... about 20 minutes (I think..?) to complete it, BUT I remember
all the levels, so it's just running through them for me. It might take hours for someone else.. =)

le charge lifter
:lol: I think you know my GE name (LCL) :P
But IF you meant my real name, then I'll go with Lassi Lehtinen (good luck trying to pronounce that :wink: (you can alway write that to google translator and listen it in finnish to get an idea :D ))

anything else: hullo!

The topic for the game: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10333
Download link (can you put this to the description of the video? (Windows and Linux)):

Sorry for making you read that badly written and in all other ways horrible message. =)

I would be really thankful if you could do this!

- lcl -
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Re: Now doing Game Editor Reviews!

Postby Hblade » Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:35 am

Haha ok xD Saving this to a notepad I got a butt ton of things to do on the channel xD Lets plays, RPG maker, O_O Sonic
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