@bat78: I might be able to figure out something like that, that's true. The problem isn't that though, it's really how slow drawing large blocks like in the physics demo is.
In fact, the drawing part is probably the most intensive out of all of them, surprisingly. I've been testing out some different methods of processing, and I can't seem to go quite over 10,500 pixels (not enough to fill a 320 x 240 view) when drawing at a scale of 4, even though they process smoothly. I'm still testing things out though.
Latest updates:
- Just kidding
- Added a changelog
- Added drawing text to any scale (including stuff like 2.64 or whatever you want)
- Added new drawTextS function to take the place of drawTextP.. but that's still there.
- Added new in-text code "\v+0+0", changelog has instructions.
- Added putpixeltoscale function
- Updated the documentation to have some of the hidden functions that were a part of the API, and the new stuff