Encryption in ge

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Encryption in ge

Postby ikarus » Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:52 am

Been working with the openurl trick and now I'm trying to figure out how to encrypt my query string. I know this is pretty advanced but was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to achieve this in ge. I'm thinking the steps need to go like this:

string->[rotate ancii codes]->[encode to base64]

Also I heard I could encode to base64 with a custom alphabet.
At times like these I wish I could use external libraries for GE haha. But seriously, I've been working all day on this, I did get some simple encryption working but sometimes it screwed up the url too much, which is why I think I need to base64 it for a genuine url. And I know this is extremely advanced probably but I figured I'd go ahead and throw it out there and see if I could get some input.
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Re: Encryption in ge

Postby Fuzzy » Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:35 am

Presuming that you are starting with only the standard 26 lower and 26 upper case letters, you could build an enumerated type. There is a definite pattern, and once you figure out how that works, you can devise a for() loop to generate the whole table.

For example, "F" is "Rg==" with = representing an empty place.

If I add "u" to get "Fu" it becomes "RnU=".

Next. I add "z" then "z" again, and finally "y"

"F" = "Rg=="
"Fu" = "RnU="
"Fuz" = "RnV6"
"Fuzz" = "RnV6eg=="
"Fuzzy" = "RnV6enk="

You can see how its developing. Obviously "u" adds 7 to "Rg==" to get "Rn==" and also "U" to the 3rd place". "RnU=". Its not regular addition math, but there is a pattern there.

Here are the lower and uppercase alphabets.

a = YQ==
b = Yg==
c = Yw==
d = ZA==
e = ZQ==
f = Zg==
g = Zw==
h = aA==
i = aQ==
j = ag==
k = aw==
l = bA==
m = bQ==
n = bg==
o = bw==
p = cA==
q = cQ==
r = cg==
s = cw==
t = dA==
u = dQ==
v = dg==
w = dw==
x = eA==
y = eQ==
z = eg==
A = QQ==
B = Qg==
C = Qw==
D = RA==
E = RQ==
F = Rg==
G = Rw==
H = SA==
I = SQ==
J = Sg==
K = Sw==
L = TA==
M = TQ==
N = Tg==
O = Tw==
P = UA==
Q = UQ==
R = Ug==
S = Uw==
T = VA==
U = VQ==
V = Vg==
W = Vw==
X = WA==
Y = WQ==
Z = Wg==
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Re: Encryption in ge

Postby ikarus » Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:56 pm

That looks so crazy... I have to learn it!!!
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