Any ideas for tutorials?

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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby lcl » Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:56 pm

It begins to seem that all you want to do is to argue. :/
I have shown you how videos can teach the basics of coding and I have told you that
the real skill to code comes just by coding after one has learnt the basics.

And yes, Hblade's videos taught me the basics of coding in GE
and don't think I'm special, his videos have been watched quite many times.

People learn in different ways. Some people don't like to just read, but want to see and hear the things explained on
a video. I can't see what you think is wrong with this method.

bat78 wrote:Honestly.. what kind of scripting you can learn from a few videos. Please don't tell me you can learn more for coding from videos then google, referances and forums :cry:

You are being very provocative. You are not showing any kind of respect towards me and my opinions. If you continue that way, there is no point for me to continue this so called
conversation after this message.

I hope that I have made it clear that from videos, one can learn the basics, and get some hints for more advanced stuff.
Anyway, I still believe that most of the learning of coding is just coding. And when one faces problems while coding, he goes to search for information
from the Internet, and via Google finds videos or written text.

But this isn't anymore so much about learning to code, this is more like developing
your skill of using logic to realize things using the code and it's operators, keywords and functions which you already are familiar with.

And as an ending joke, you can't learn anything from google itself. :wink:
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby bat78 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:02 pm

No :D Im looking outside the things and giving you facts/proofs of that im saying.
About the respect, lcl i think i didn't showed i have less respect then you, so lets keep the things like that, you believe you can learn more from videos then from google, topics about the programming by itself. And i don't think so.
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby lcl » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:14 pm

lcl wrote:I hope that I have made it clear that from videos, one can learn the basics

I said videos have taught me the basics. I understand what you mean with using Google to find things that can help learning.
I have read wikipedia and numerous coding sites to deepen my knowledge. But I have done that while I have been coding
and that's why I consider it 'learning by coding', just as I consider all the other things I have found out on my own. :)

bat78 wrote:No :D Im looking outside the things and giving you facts/proofs of that im saying.

Just what I'm doing too, but while I have agreed with you in some points, you have just laughed at me having learnt from videos.
I think that's disrespecting. :/
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby bat78 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:17 pm

Just what I'm doing too, but while I have agreed with you in some points, you have just laughed at me having learnt from videos.
I think that's disrespecting. :/

You understanding me wrong, i laugh because of the case we are at, not at you.
And i didn't notice where exactly you agreed with me, but it is a fact that my English do not allow me to have full flexability to say everything i mind right.
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby lcl » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:32 pm

bat78 wrote:And i didn't notice where exactly you agreed with me, but it is a fact that my English do not allow me to have full flexability to say everything i mind right.

For clearing that out, I agreed with you in these points:
me wrote:And when one faces problems while coding, he goes to search for information
from the Internet, and via Google finds videos or written text.

me wrote:Script Reference teaches very different things. It doesn't teach how to code, it teaches how each of Game Editor's functions work, and that is good to be written instead of being
explained in a video.

and this I wrote to NightOfHorror:
me wrote:
NightOfHorror wrote:I love videos rather than pictures or words, show exactly what I must do to get somewhere. Saying that, I like words also because they can leave more room for explanation of certain things that the speaker may forget to mention during the video.
And that's why I am going to make also written versions of the more complex tutorials - for everyone to be able to understand the things.

I understand what you mean, my english can also be pretty bad at times, I'm from Finland. :)

And to clear one more point to you..
I never meant that videos have taught me all I know about coding. I meant that they made me understand the basic rules coding
follows, and from that I was able to begin coding and then use other resources to deepen my knowledge. So it's like I have learnt something from
videos, something from the Internet, and something on my own. :)

bat78 wrote:You understanding me wrong, i laugh because of the case we are at, not at you.

I still can't see how this is not laughing at me and Hblade... :P
bat78 wrote:Lcl, if Hblade is your mentor xD and you learned coding from his videos, you are a special :lol:

Well, I do understand that you may have found it hilarious if you thought I have learnt all I know about coding just by watching his videos. xD
But that's not what I meant at any time. :D
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby bat78 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:39 pm

I am completely lost, you telling me you agreed with me with the following points .. and you presenting me your own words.
And i am serious, stop telling me i'm laughing at you or especially Hblade, i am funny person and i prefer to laugh to make the situation fulfilled with fun how i can, not like a topic like two members will kill each other. Please lets stop talk about this, can we?
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby GEuser » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:41 pm

bat78 wrote:skydreign, he is a person that don't know scripting from videos.
He present a scripting referance to person that had need to learn coding.
Lcl, if Hblade is your mentor xD and you learned coding from his videos, you are a special :lol:
Honestly.. what kind of scripting you can learn from a few videos. Please don't tell me you can learn more for coding from videos then google, referances and forums :cry:

I learn't alot from video tutorials although I USED TO prefer text based tutorials (and still do). People like Hblade, lcl and others convinced me otherwise. We're all different, some people learn better from videos, some from text. I grab whatever I can, whatever format it comes in.

Scripting references don't teach coding they just give you the rules/formats. You could be a walking scripting reference but still not know how to code CREATIVELY just the same old bog standard boring stuff. What always stands out is CREATIVITY & INVENTIVENESS.

This is why I like what Hblade puts up on the forums. He's always doing stuff the unexpected way. It's this coding journey he takes in unsual directions that teaches you something new. This won't work, this wasn't suppose to work but works? Curiousity, willingless to explore different angles/perspectives on an untravelled path, to dare and be audacious that's what Hblade has helped me to realise. I hope he doesn't change because of some disparaging remarks. People like fuzzy, DST, Bee-Ent and myarid others have freed me from blind faith in the scripting reference bibles out there.

Rules are there to be broken. When you realise they can be broken you learn cool stuff. Look at Bee-Ents alternatives to using the IF statement. How many scripting references tell you how to avoid a particular command? Thats not their purpose. Scripting references are coding dictionaries. Can you be fluent in any language by just reading a dictionary alone? Video tutorials are strange creatures because they're like personal autobiographies, they teach you about the style of the person even if its teaching basics, theres always something of the personal touch and is invaluable (not necessarily because of the coding but general attitude/approach to it).

Not having ago at you. Hope you appreciate that programming is an ART FORM that has to be developed. It's not merely just a set of mathematical verbs and nouns stuck togather from blend instructions in a coding dictionary (scripting referrence). Like all art, inspiration can come from unexpected quarters of life. No such things as this is better than that, they're all usefull (even if they produced failures, you learn't something). Open mindedness is the best attribute to possess in becomming a good games designer I hope one day I can learn to become more openminded (ego seems to get in the way alot of time).
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby bat78 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:48 pm

Thanks for the... long explanation but did i missed to write that i am done on that topic x.x
All you said is true and i appriciate what Hblade doing, his channel is in my favorites and i like to watch his videos, and i like his humor. But please, no need for more drama :)
outside this, lcl could you PM me, i wan't to talk to you for something important for you.
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby Jagmaster » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:53 pm

To divert this conversation back to tutorial ideas:

There is one format of tutorial that I enjoy watching that isn't as widely used. Instead of starting out with a blank file and adding everything as you go, you have the file all set up with all the script/animation set up already and then you explain all the important parts of the subject at hand. It's kind of like a dissection if I can make that analogy :lol:

This would not be as good for beginner tutorials because it's better for a beginner to see the whole process and to learn what all the buttons and windows do etc (which is one of the great things about videos). But for someone who is already comfortable with the software, they don't always want to watch someone else add all their actors and animations, and scripts as it can become a little tedious. They want to learn something they don't already know (which is why they go look for a written tutorial).

Here's an example: (sorry it's not game editor :P). You can watch the whole thing if you want to, but the relevant bits start at about 8 minutes.
You wouldn't have to have everything set up initially, but with this way of doing it, you'd get more "meat" into the tutorial.

One thing that would need to be clarified (if one were to go this route) is that this video would not be an introduction, and you'd need to learn the basics first. Then it would be nice to link to a demo so that one could look at the code himself. Encourage them to explore.

Just an idea :)

As for subject, hmm
One thing I've always wanted to do (but never had the time to tinker with) is to make a list of words (a really long list in a text file) and then have an algorithm pick a random word at random.
Should be simple enough, but never really took the time to figure out. I do have a foggy understanding of file input/output.
Last edited by Jagmaster on Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby lcl » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:57 pm

bat78 wrote:I am completely lost, you telling me you agreed with me with the following points .. and you presenting me your own words.

Ah XD I meant to show you the parts of my messages where I have said things that tell you I agree with you. :lol:
bat78 wrote:And i am serious, stop telling me i'm laughing at you or especially Hblade, i am funny person and i prefer to laugh to make the situation fulfilled with fun how i can, not like a topic like two members will kill each other. Please lets stop talk about this, can we?

Maybe I misunderstood you. :D
And of course we can, I don't feel like continuing this conversation anymore, since I think there is really nothing more to say.
I hope you don't feel I have been trying to insult you? If you do, I'm sorry for that. :)

You have a good point. A lot of good points actually. :)
We can learn in so many ways, and what suits for one person might be all but good for another one.

And overall, I believe that no-one can honestly say "I have mastered this and this coding language", there always is something to learn
and new challenges awaiting. One can get a degree on some language, or one can be taught all the operators, keywords, functions and the code syntax
but he might still not even know how to actually code anything, since coding is more than just knowing some features, it's all about how one combines them
to create something! :)
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby lcl » Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:14 pm

@Jagmaster: That's a nice approach to making tutorials! I had never thought of doing it that
way, but now that you mentioned it, it seems like a very nice way of teaching.

Jagmaster wrote:As for subject, hmm
One thing I've always wanted to do (but never had the time to tinker with) is to make a list of words (a really long list in a text file) and then have an algorithm pick a random word at random.
Should be simple enough, but never really took the time to figure out. I do have a foggy understanding of file input/output.

That's a pretty easy thing to make if one just knows how to use the file functions.
Actually, I could possibly do a tutorial about managing file i/o. :)
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby GEuser » Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:51 pm


I know what you were thinking. You were thinking about getting all those steam run forum character names and generating a random name creator? Yeah?
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby NightOfHorror » Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:34 pm

hmm, bat, not all learn the same way. I am sorry I am not sky or you and actually like videos and explanation with examples.
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Re: Any ideas for tutorials?

Postby Jagmaster » Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:57 pm

And also for other things.

YES a tutorial on i/o would be great (along with the "Math" function suggestion GEuser made in the other post). :)
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