Zelda-like room/world scrolling?

Non-platform specific questions.

Zelda-like room/world scrolling?

Postby Janet Merai » Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:40 am

I made one room already and my second room.

However, I made two paths:
One for the view actor and another for Link himself.

Now when I end both collisions and paths, I get repeats of the paths O_O;

I turned off repititions and it still repeats X_X;
When Link repeats the action the camera keeps scrolling to the ->

Any suggestions?

If anyone has played any Zelda games before Zelda 64, you would know what I mean :)

The camera view pans from one room to another, smoothly, instead of a blank screen :P
Janet Merai
Posts: 51
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Postby makslane » Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:39 pm

Use the 'Path Finish' event and remove the path
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