Where is that code being used? What actor/what event? Its a bit of a paradox really, as the character lives variable being "2" destroys an actor and then makes the varibale "2", which would cause it to do all this again, and again...
if (character_lives==2)
i put it under the main player so when he gets hurt and his lives go from 3-2 then i want the Life3 actor to dissappear did i do it wrong? cause i dont understand scripting much yet =(
Heres a demo, all you have to do is walk into the lasers and die, observing the "lives icons" deplete, then when none are left, game over. There are numerous ways to accomplish this within GE, this is merely one.
lol check out my main menu! its an animation in the game just not in the pic but yeah the car is moving also! its awesome haha my first main menu and fun game! JET CHICKEN