Camper1995 wrote::D Man, but I dont uderstand how do you make that aimline...can you explain me that little bit more please?
And one more question about graphics...In start in the game,..that black line which cover the do you make it invisible slowly.. :-S I cant explain that in english...
but how do you make that the are in start full black color...and then slooowly invisible and at end they are invisible...
Man, just look at that image and tell how to paint this... Thx
Thank you
Sure, very pleasant to explain how I did it.
Because of the different timezones I cannot reply in time...
In DrawActor func of actor shootballcenter:
step 1, find the "xscreen" and "yscreen" of the center of the blue flame;
step 2, use "distance" func to calculate the distance between mouse and of the center of the blue flame;
like this: temp = distance(xmouse , ymouse , xscreen, yscreen);
step 3, use "direction" func to calculate the launch angle and use "degtorad" func turn it from rad to deg;
like this: angle = degtorad(direction(xmouse, ymouse, xscreen ,yscreen));
step 4, use pythagorean theorem to calculate the screen coordinate of every aimline;
like this: (-1*(temp/10)*cos(angle), 1*(temp/10)*sin(angle)) , (-2*(temp/10)*cos(angle), 2*(temp/10)*sin(angle)) , etc.
step 5, use "CreateActor" to draw these little aimlines;
like this: for(i=1;i<=9;i++) CreateActor("aimline", "aimline", "(none)", "(none)", -i*(temp/10)*cos(angle), i*(temp/10)*sin(angle),false);
In CreateActor func of actor aimline:
step 6, use a "CreateTimer" to ctrl the dying time of aimline;
like this: CreateTimer("Event Actor", "amilinetodie", 20);
In Timer(amilinetodie) func of actor aimline:
step 7, after the timer amilinetodie, use "DestoryActor" to destory the aimline;
like this: DestoryActor("Event Actor");