Starting A Game From Scratch

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Starting A Game From Scratch

Postby LucasA33 » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:07 pm

How do you start games? Game? Music? Story?
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Re: Starting A Game From Scratch

Postby LucasA33 » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:11 pm

How Do you make a main menu? With out coding if you can
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Re: Starting A Game From Scratch

Postby Thanx » Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:01 am

The base of creating a game from scratch is creating actors, then adding their animations, and actions. You might first want to think of which part of the game do you start creating first, and so on.
I think the best way to make a game from scratch is start out with creating a few actors, and adding their animations, modifying zdepth and transparency, that is: organizing the looks of the game, and the level design.

After that start adding the actions that'll be controlling the game; mouseclick events, key downs, collisions, gravity, etc.

About creating a main menu. I offer starting with creating the background. Obviously you should have something to fill out the space, rather than just a little title and a few buttons.
Then create an actor as a title, which will either be an animation/logo or a text showing the name of your game.
Then create buttons, for Play, maybe options, quit, maybe load game.
Quit button needs 1 line of code: ExitGame();
Play should be a MoveTo to the first level of your game;
Options should be a MoveTo to another screen (with background, and other buttons, or something, with text to describe what you can set, and a button back to the main menu.)
If you want to load save games, though for a noob that is very hard:
Loadgame should be with some code, to load the variables from a file, and set the view, player to that place then.

That's about it. It is hard to talk specifically, since every menu is different in a way...
These are me and playing the piano (second one with a friend/fellow student)
Hope you watch and enjoy!
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