This might be the last game I'll finish before starting college by 12th of August. This game will be much more original than my other games, as MrJolteon once told me that I pirated images and sounds too much which is true. Almost nothing of Cadet #0051, and my first game, Dimension Escape was not pirated, only the enemy scripts maybe!
![Embarassed :oops:](
This time I'm not taking any sprite nor sounds from the internet, I'm making them myself. I'm using Pulse Boy for making sfx, and Paint.NET for the sprites, so none of the sprites nor sfx are taken from the internet.
Goal of the game:
Survive as long as possible (Or in this upload it's until you can defeat the third boss.), defeat bosses to advance, avoid getting hit by a hella lot of bullets. Arrow keys to move, ASDW to aim.
The game will be uploaded as an attachment, as it is still small enough to be uploaded. I've only finished 3 of 5 levels for the game and I want to know how good the game is so far.
Planned features:
(̵C̵̵r̵̵o̵̵s̵̵s̵̵e̵d̵ means done, but it may not be the exact same update as what I originally wrote to be planned features!)
I'll release the next .ged when I finish making the game!
- ̵Y̵̵o̵̵u̵̵r̵̵ ̵̵h̵̵e̵̵a̵̵l̵̵t̵̵h̵̵ ̵̵a̵̵d̵̵d̵̵s̵̵ ̵̵b̵̵y̵̵ ̵̵1̵̵ ̵̵w̵̵h̵̵e̵̵n̵̵ ̵̵y̵̵o̵̵u̵̵ ̵̵d̵̵e̵̵f̵̵e̵̵a̵̵t̵̵ ̵̵n̵̵o̵̵r̵̵m̵̵a̵̵l̵̵ ̵̵e̵̵n̵̵e̵̵m̵̵i̵̵e̵̵s̵.̵
- ̵H̵̵e̵̵a̵̵l̵̵t̵̵h̵̵ ̵̵B̵̵a̵̵r̵̵!̵̵ ̵̵:̵D̵
- ̵4̵̵ ̵̵m̵̵o̵̵r̵̵e̵̵ ̵̵e̵̵n̵̵e̵̵m̵̵i̵̵e̵̵s̵̵ ̵̵a̵̵n̵̵d̵̵ ̵̵b̵̵o̵̵s̵̵s̵̵e̵̵s̵.̵
- ̵L̵̵e̵̵v̵̵e̵̵l̵̵ ̵̵5̵̵ ̵̵w̵̵i̵̵l̵̵l̵̵ ̵̵b̵̵e̵̵ ̵̵e̵̵n̵̵d̵̵l̵̵e̵̵s̵̵s̵.̵
- ̵P̵̵a̵̵u̵̵s̵̵e̵̵ ̵̵d̵̵i̵m
- ̵H̵̵i̵̵g̵̵h̵̵ ̵̵S̵̵c̵̵o̵̵r̵̵e̵̵s̵̵ ̵̵w̵̵i̵̵l̵̵l̵̵ ̵̵b̵̵e̵̵ ̵̵m̵̵a̵̵d̵̵e̵.
- ̵A̵̵ ̵̵d̵̵e̵̵v̵̵a̵̵s̵̵t̵̵a̵̵t̵̵i̵̵n̵̵g̵̵ ̵̵p̵̵o̵̵w̵̵e̵̵r̵̵ ̵̵u̵̵p̵.̵
- ̵S̵̵p̵̵a̵̵c̵̵e̵̵ ̵̵t̵̵h̵̵e̵̵m̵̵e̵̵d̵̵ ̵̵b̵̵a̵̵c̵̵k̵̵g̵̵r̵̵o̵̵u̵̵n̵̵d̵.̵
- ̵A̵̵ ̵̵s̵̵i̵̵m̵̵p̵̵l̵̵e̵̵ ̵̵g̵̵a̵̵m̵̵e̵̵ ̵̵m̵̵e̵̵n̵̵u̵̵,̵̵ ̵̵c̵̵o̵̵n̵̵s̵̵i̵̵s̵̵t̵̵i̵̵n̵̵g̵̵ ̵̵o̵̵n̵̵l̵̵y̵̵ ̵̵o̵̵f̵̵ ̵̵S̵̵t̵̵a̵̵r̵̵t̵̵ ̵̵a̵̵n̵̵d̵̵ ̵̵C̵̵r̵̵e̵̵d̵̵i̵̵t̵̵s̵.̵
- ̵B̵̵a̵̵c̵̵k̵̵g̵̵r̵̵o̵̵u̵̵n̵̵d̵̵ ̵̵n̵̵o̵̵i̵̵s̵̵e̵̵s̵.̵
What is already done:
.exe update 1!
- Your health doesn't always add by 1, it depends on level, and bosses may give you more health upon defeat!
bat78 wrote:(passing the ugly boss)
- The first boss is A LOT HARDER and exciting!
.exe update 2!
- P to pause!
- Health Bar!
.̵̵e̵̵x̵̵e̵̵ ̵̵u̵̵p̵̵d̵̵a̵̵t̵̵e̵̵ ̵̵3̵̵ ̵̵T̵̵B̵̵A̵̵ ̵̵(̵̵N̵̵o̵̵t̵̵ ̵̵u̵̵p̵̵l̵̵o̵̵a̵̵d̵̵e̵̵d̵̵ ̵̵y̵̵e̵̵t̵̵,̵̵ ̵̵s̵̵t̵̵i̵̵l̵̵l̵̵ ̵̵b̵̵u̵̵g̵̵g̵̵y̵̵!̵̵)̵̵
Game's release spoilers:
- Pausing now creates a dim background, that only doesn't dim the player, thus if you are lost and you pause, you can easily find the player!
- Hi Scores!
- More enemies and bosses, might be final though.
- The ship is now MUCH more agile!!! Usually it takes you a few seconds to move up when you going down in high speed, now it takes 5x less! Much easier movement!
- Despite the easier movement, the difficulty is greatly, and I mean GREATLY increased!
- The menu is done, and the game doesn't start instantly.
- Enter, the FLASHBANG!
- Peril background, flashbang regen and peril theme! (Background turns red, music changes, flashbang fills up faster when you are low in health!)
- Credits!!!
- A secret boss fight. Can be fought for a better weapon in your next game.
Known Bugs
- Ship disappearing by itself. Happens a lot when we use the flashbang power up, or just plains disappears when attacked too much!
P.S: The best score system won't work yet as I have only made 3/5 levels for the game, so it's not fair to have a high score when playing an unfinished game.
P.S.S: I will hopefully finish making this game before 12th of August, but if I don't by then, I doubt I'd ever finish it.
![Embarassed :oops:](