How can I use activation regiouns properly?

Non-platform specific questions.

How can I use activation regiouns properly?

Postby Hblade » Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:21 am

I want to use activation regions, but since I use tiles for spikes, background layers, and the stage layout (One insanely giant stage might I add but you have screens instead of scrolling), it glitches out and eventually the spikes or background layer vanishes How can I do something about this? I want to be able to have nothing drawn at all other than whats on the current screen
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Re: How can I use activation regiouns properly?

Postby skydereign » Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:03 am

I've heard some people have problems with tiles and activation regions, but everything I've done with them hasn't posed any problems. I would suggest having tiles not extend into multiple activation regions (so use clones of the tiled actors for each region), but it shouldn't cause any problems if you don't. Generally though it is better to keep them smaller, as that is the whole point of activation regions.

Background layers are a bit tricker, since if the view moves into a new region, they can be destroyed. One way of dealing with this is to move them in advanced, another is to destroy and recreate any background/hud elements necessary. It has been a while since I've used activation regions since I usually create rooms and levels through map files, so there might be a few other options.
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