Space Travaler X1 Full unfinished release

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Re: Space Travaler X1 Full unfinished release

Postby Game A Gogo » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:02 pm

Go into global script -> 01_Variables

you will see a string with many names of spaceship in it, simply input your space ship name with the .ship. First one should be your space craft, the rest are the others.
Also if you want more than 4 ships at once, go into view -> timer and remove the "//" that comments out createactors functions

ALSO, if you want to change what space craft do, check out the AI system in the global script and change it in the draw actor of the first space ship, as all other space ship will hold the same script, except they hold different value on a certain variable
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Re: Space Travaler X1 Full unfinished release

Postby SuperSonic » Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:53 pm

Thank you :D
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