Game Editor license change

Game Editor comments and discussion.

Re: Game Editor license change

Postby skydereign » Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:18 am

Currently you have to wait for 1.5, as we haven't updated the binaries for the normal download. That being said, we might release it for 1.4, since it may still be a while before 1.5 is released.
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby RippeR7420 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:26 am

Good to know :)

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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby Pickles42 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:44 am

Yes!!! Pretty please with pixels on top! Should really release an update ASAP, if 1.5 is some time away, game-editor is such a legendary dev tool and to have no splash screen makes me giddy with excitement.
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby skydereign » Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:13 am

We'll probably delay it a little bit if we are making another release of 1.4. That way we can import some of the editor changes into it as well. It's still up in the air until I can determine a more concrete schedule for 1.5. The removal of the splash screen isn't too big of a rush, except for those that are releasing games within the next few days, and even then you should now be able to email makslane the .dat file to remove the splash screen for you.
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby Game A Gogo » Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:03 pm

Does this mean development for Game-Editor will be dropped? Perhaps not completely, but seems it's gonna make GE's development more like a hobby than a project
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby skydereign » Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:40 pm

Game A Gogo wrote:Does this mean development for Game-Editor will be dropped? Perhaps not completely, but seems it's gonna make GE's development more like a hobby than a project

To be honest, before the change was more like a hobby than a project also. Not enough people buy the license that anyone was able to make gE development a serious enough time commitment. In the past three or so months, there hasn't been much progress, as gE 1.5 doesn't appear to be any closer to release. This change will hopefully make gE more appealing to users, and be more welcome in the open source community.
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby EvanAgain » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:30 pm

There is a problem I feel with, "Making game editor more appealing to users"

Personally, I found out about game editor from a google search looking for free game engines and game making programs. I have Unity Free, I use to have the Unreal Editor back when it was provided with the first copies of Unreal. But I found Game-Editor to be the most useful/functional/ease of use.

The only PROBLEMS I have with it are:

No C++
No OPENGL or SDL for 3D
No DirectX support
No custom libraries
Poor Documentation
Poor Tutorials
Poor/Few demos
Website design is unappealing and difficult to navigate
Program design is less than "simple" it's actually very complex and difficult to navigate.
Program has no "Resource" pane to store actors for instancing rather than "cloning"

That's just a few things I noticed off the top. Most game editor programs have most of these as a basic design. The game editor is highly functional for piecing together really good "small" games. But as the projects become larger they become less managable. Most people don't care to play small games unless they can be put into a website for play ON the webpage. Even then, each game is a passing fad only to be played for a few minutes then never played by the same user again.

Larger projects with massive amounts of content provide players with more than a "mini-game" style of play. Players then become "community" and they become "fans" and they want to know more about "game lore" and the games developers and programs.

I am not the best programmer, I often have trouble navigating projects and understanding complex code unless a COMPLETE walk-through is written. I haven't been able to find the source code for Game-Editor. I don't know where to even start looking or how to help.

I am not rich, and I imagine to make Game-Editor a real project would take serious funding. I believe Game-Editor could achieve this with the proper help of marketing and investors. I could supply monthly funding but I can't imagine the small amount I could afford would never be enough. This project almost requires a large investment to become the "Pro Development" program that it can become. Including if it had functionality to produce Xbox Indie Games.

I would hate to see this amazing program die. But at this point in order to get funding the program needs to create a game "worth" playing.

Game Editor has all the potential to create great long large projects that upon finished development would bring in a wide fanbase. The sales of the "game" could provide funding to further advance Game-Editor as a project, rather than a hobby.

As a "hobby", if I could even figure out how I could help, I would love to put as much time as I can into it. But I am just not as skilled or professional as your current developers.

I am doing everything I can using Game-Editor to achieve my dream of developing my game that I have been designing since I was 12. Game Editor has made the most advancements in the least amount of time and is just such a wonderful program that it would be a shame to see this disappear. It could be useful in many ways as an educational tool as well as a serious development tool. It's so easy even young children could develop games and use high level math to write visual representations of their own imaginative creations.

I know this message doesn't mean much, I know that no matter how much I write, no matter how many words I use, this one post will not be enough to provide you with the funding needed to make the project serious.

The only thing I could say would provide Game-Editor with the funding needed is writing a game that will grab people. Make them want to play. I am trying hard to produce my game as well. But if we all pull together, we may be able to produce something that will make Game-Editor explode with market value.

If we had more game templates with tutorials on how to customize those templates with easy, constructing large games with minimal effort, we may find more traffic to the page.

I don't know what else I can say. Except, thank you for producing such a wonderful program that is allowing me to fulfill my dream of becoming a game developer. I am working hard on developing the game I have. I hope one day it will prove the power and potential of Game-Editor, unless someone else can do it first ;D

Thank you for your time to read this.
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby lcl » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:35 am

makslane wrote:Today, the Game Editor license was changed.
Now, we use only the open source license.

Have fun!


Thanks Makslane!
You can be sure that even without the default splash screen
my upcoming games will make the consumers conscious that
the game they play is made with Game Editor!
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby moonforge » Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:21 pm

lcl wrote:
makslane wrote:Today, the Game Editor license was changed.
Now, we use only the open source license.

Have fun!


Thanks Makslane!
You can be sure that even without the default splash screen
my upcoming games will make the consumers conscious that
the game they play is made with Game Editor!

I agree with lcl. Most of us are proud and happy that you made this program, makslane! Thanks for removing the licence, but I hope that you're making enough money on your own to continue doing things like this. This is an amazing program, and we're all happy you put the time and effort into this.


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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:11 pm

Thanks Makslane.
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:14 pm

EvanAgain wrote:There is a problem I feel with, "Making game editor more appealing to users"

Personally, I found out about game editor from a google search looking for free game engines and game making programs. I have Unity Free, I use to have the Unreal Editor back when it was provided with the first copies of Unreal. But I found Game-Editor to be the most useful/functional/ease of use.

The only PROBLEMS I have with it are:

No C++
No OPENGL or SDL for 3D
No DirectX support
No custom libraries
Poor Documentation
Poor Tutorials
Poor/Few demos
Website design is unappealing and difficult to navigate
Program design is less than "simple" it's actually very complex and difficult to navigate.
Program has no "Resource" pane to store actors for instancing rather than "cloning"

That's just a few things I noticed off the top. Most game editor programs have most of these as a basic design. The game editor is highly functional for piecing together really good "small" games. But as the projects become larger they become less managable. Most people don't care to play small games unless they can be put into a website for play ON the webpage. Even then, each game is a passing fad only to be played for a few minutes then never played by the same user again.

Larger projects with massive amounts of content provide players with more than a "mini-game" style of play. Players then become "community" and they become "fans" and they want to know more about "game lore" and the games developers and programs.

I am not the best programmer, I often have trouble navigating projects and understanding complex code unless a COMPLETE walk-through is written. I haven't been able to find the source code for Game-Editor. I don't know where to even start looking or how to help.

I am not rich, and I imagine to make Game-Editor a real project would take serious funding. I believe Game-Editor could achieve this with the proper help of marketing and investors. I could supply monthly funding but I can't imagine the small amount I could afford would never be enough. This project almost requires a large investment to become the "Pro Development" program that it can become. Including if it had functionality to produce Xbox Indie Games.

I would hate to see this amazing program die. But at this point in order to get funding the program needs to create a game "worth" playing.

Game Editor has all the potential to create great long large projects that upon finished development would bring in a wide fanbase. The sales of the "game" could provide funding to further advance Game-Editor as a project, rather than a hobby.

As a "hobby", if I could even figure out how I could help, I would love to put as much time as I can into it. But I am just not as skilled or professional as your current developers.

I am doing everything I can using Game-Editor to achieve my dream of developing my game that I have been designing since I was 12. Game Editor has made the most advancements in the least amount of time and is just such a wonderful program that it would be a shame to see this disappear. It could be useful in many ways as an educational tool as well as a serious development tool. It's so easy even young children could develop games and use high level math to write visual representations of their own imaginative creations.

I know this message doesn't mean much, I know that no matter how much I write, no matter how many words I use, this one post will not be enough to provide you with the funding needed to make the project serious.

The only thing I could say would provide Game-Editor with the funding needed is writing a game that will grab people. Make them want to play. I am trying hard to produce my game as well. But if we all pull together, we may be able to produce something that will make Game-Editor explode with market value.

If we had more game templates with tutorials on how to customize those templates with easy, constructing large games with minimal effort, we may find more traffic to the page.

I don't know what else I can say. Except, thank you for producing such a wonderful program that is allowing me to fulfill my dream of becoming a game developer. I am working hard on developing the game I have. I hope one day it will prove the power and potential of Game-Editor, unless someone else can do it first ;D

Thank you for your time to read this.

GE can make 3D now. there still working on it. And you don't really need the tuturials because it's easy to learn
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:20 pm

The only thing I could say would provide Game-Editor with the funding needed is writing a game that will grab people. Make them want to play. I am trying hard to produce my game as well. But if we all pull together, we may be able to produce something that will make Game-Editor explode with market value.

If we had more game templates with tutorials on how to customize those templates with easy, constructing large games with minimal effort, we may find more traffic to the page.

I don't know what else I can say. Except, thank you for producing such a wonderful program that is allowing me to fulfill my dream of becoming a game developer. I am working hard on developing the game I have. I hope one day it will prove the power and potential of Game-Editor, unless someone else can do it first ;D

Thank you for your time to read this.

This is what I'm trying to say. Something big, something amazing. Into the ios and android market. If we could get enough money, then we can give it to makslane and he could maybe upgrade Game Editor Exports and features.

Exports I'd like
SWF file

Windows 8

Windows 8 Phone

Xbox 360

Features I'd like

ios export simpler ( no Geplayer requird)

Android export simpler. ( All requirements with it)

So let's do it!
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby MrJolteon » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:07 am

knucklecrunchgames wrote:
The only thing I could say would provide Game-Editor with the funding needed is writing a game that will grab people. Make them want to play. I am trying hard to produce my game as well. But if we all pull together, we may be able to produce something that will make Game-Editor explode with market value.

If we had more game templates with tutorials on how to customize those templates with easy, constructing large games with minimal effort, we may find more traffic to the page.

I don't know what else I can say. Except, thank you for producing such a wonderful program that is allowing me to fulfill my dream of becoming a game developer. I am working hard on developing the game I have. I hope one day it will prove the power and potential of Game-Editor, unless someone else can do it first ;D

Thank you for your time to read this.

This is what I'm trying to say. Something big, something amazing. Into the ios and android market. If we could get enough money, then we can give it to makslane and he could maybe upgrade Game Editor Exports and features.

Exports I'd like
SWF file

Windows 8

Windows 8 Phone

Xbox 360

Features I'd like

ios export simpler ( no Geplayer requird)

Android export simpler. ( All requirements with it)

So let's do it!

SWF export - That has been planned for so long, yet it has never happened...

Windows 8 - Useless, it can run .exe files...

Windows 8 Phone - I got nothing to say about this one.

Xbox 360 - Will probably never happen.

Simpler iOS export - Impossible.

Simpler Android export - Impossible.
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:31 am

MrJolteon wrote:
knucklecrunchgames wrote:
The only thing I could say would provide Game-Editor with the funding needed is writing a game that will grab people. Make them want to play. I am trying hard to produce my game as well. But if we all pull together, we may be able to produce something that will make Game-Editor explode with market value.

If we had more game templates with tutorials on how to customize those templates with easy, constructing large games with minimal effort, we may find more traffic to the page.

I don't know what else I can say. Except, thank you for producing such a wonderful program that is allowing me to fulfill my dream of becoming a game developer. I am working hard on developing the game I have. I hope one day it will prove the power and potential of Game-Editor, unless someone else can do it first ;D

Thank you for your time to read this.

This is what I'm trying to say. Something big, something amazing. Into the ios and android market. If we could get enough money, then we can give it to makslane and he could maybe upgrade Game Editor Exports and features.

Exports I'd like
SWF file

Windows 8

Windows 8 Phone

Xbox 360

Features I'd like

ios export simpler ( no Geplayer requird)

Android export simpler. ( All requirements with it)

So let's do it!

SWF export - That has been planned for so long, yet it has never happened...

Windows 8 - Useless, it can run .exe files...

Windows 8 Phone - I got nothing to say about this one.

Xbox 360 - Will probably never happen.

Simpler iOS export - Impossible.

Simpler Android export - Impossible.

windows 8 can only run exe on the desktop
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Re: Game Editor license change

Postby MrJolteon » Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:43 pm

knucklecrunchgames wrote:windows 8 can only run exe on the desktop

And your point is...?
I still find the Windows 8 export useless.
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