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Game Help

Postby frozonfire » Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:40 pm

I need help on 2 things.
1. How to work level change.
2. when an actor dies to come back to the beginning of the level.

I forum hopped, I googled, I looked for it and i still cant do those 2 things.
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Postby Just4Fun » Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:02 pm


One way to do a level change is to use Activation Regions. Let's say you have two activation regions (Level 1 and Level 2).

You want to switch to level 1 when your last Actor is destroyed so you need to set up a variable to decrement the number of Actors left. When your Actor count reaches 0 then use the Script Editor to switch back to level 1.

Script Editor syntax would look something like this (It depends on where your activation areas are located on your screen.):


Try searching on "Levels", "Activation", "vars", and "lives" for more forum information. There is also a lot of info in the help docs and check out the built in tutorials. HTHs... :wink:
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Postby ondy1985 » Sat Aug 06, 2005 6:31 pm

If you want your game to be playable on low-end machines (or PocketPCs), I recommend to use more that one activation region for each level so you will not have too many actors at once in the game.
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Postby frozonfire » Sat Aug 06, 2005 6:39 pm

i read this activation region stuff and i still dont get it. How do i make it so when i kill x amount of baddies that i change level. Tell me in a way that i may understand. Im kinda stupid when it comes to this stuff.
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