On my current project, an RPG game infact, I was wondering..
Is my game to large I feel, not in megabyte size because thats only 2.34 meg, and decreasing..
While my game actually increases in size funnily enough.
On the grid it spans from the coordinates 0,0 to 20608,23744 downwards (not including any inifinate actors - well at the cross section of 2) and from 0,0 to -15776,-9184 upwards... (at a cross section of two inifinte actors)
It worked out for me at about 1,198,052,338 different pixels (probably wrong? bah! who cares?)
That size just fits on to a 1280 by 980 without including the task bar bit at the bottom, just GE. (zoomed out to the maximum!!!)
Is this too big?? Or too small? considering it is an RPG and they usually are big...