by DST » Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:42 pm
It's not the 'DestroyActor' that's killing them. It's the collision.
In the last thread i helped you with, i told you to change the destroyactor target from 'enemy' to 'event actor', which you did. still used 'enemy' in the ostrich>collision>top side of enemy.
A quick recap on targets:
Event Actor - the current actor you are scripting in.
Collide Actor - the actor that has collided with the current one.
Actor name - all actors with this name.
Now this is not your fault, because when you used the changeanimation event, it didn't give you the choice of 'collide actor', just enemy, event, or parent actor. It's a glitch in the game editor interface, i guess. I never noticed it before because....
You should never use events into the event list when they're responses to other events (i know that sounds silly but just listen).
Instead, use 'script editor', then load the events in there. In that way, you can insert as many response events into one trigger event as you wish, and easily manipulate them all. You can load all of them from the 'variables/functions' tab at the bottom of the script window just like you can from the actor window.
So to make it work, your collision event should look like this:
Ostrich>collision>top side>enemy>script editor>
variables/functions>changeanimation, enemy, enemy dead, forward. (you still can't choose collide here either),
then Edit the event by hand:
ChangeAnimation("enemy", "enemy dead", FORWARD); change it to this:
ChangeAnimation("Collide Actor", "enemy dead", FORWARD);
Using the script editor will make making games 100x easier. I've said that about other things too - and i meant it. 100x easier from one action, 100x easier from another action, eventually you can make your games 1 million times easier. And if that's the case, then how hard is making it the hard way? I'll tell hard, you can't finish them.
Trust me, use script editor as the response to events from now on. You'll be happy you did!